Premature egg laying


New Member
My Oustalets just released 3 extremely small, prematurely developed "eggs". They were just the yolk, no shell, and were bound together by their membrane and hanging in her tree. She then went back to her normal, non-gravid coloration. This was not due to lack of calcium or lack of sites for egg deposition, I can assure you of that. This is her first time being gravid, as I have had her for over a year, since she was a small juvenile. Could this possibly be due to this being her first? Could this be due to stress? Has anyone experienced this before?
Red bar Ambilobe Panther Cham Premi Eggs!


My little lady has just done this, too.. Did you get an answer to this? She laid 2 weeks early and two and a half miniature orange eggs.. I have attached a photograph.

Please advise somebody, we have had eggs from another Panther Cham and she never did this -- both of them were their first time of laying! HELP!

Thank you :)


  • DuckieEgg.jpg
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I have seen a stressed jax drop her litter early. The move to my house angered her, i can only assume. I did not know she was pregnant. Was not very large. Always be careful around a gravid female. Even if their is the slightest hint she may have young.
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