Princess Amy!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
I haven't posted any pictures of my sweet Amy for ages now so thought I'd post a quick pic of her enjoying her new viv. I moved her into Tommy's old viv and she is loving it! Since baby Monty arrived 6 weeks ago, he has taken up a lot of my time and Amy has been left to enjoy her new home.

She is my little princess and she laid her first, and only, clutch so far a little over a year ago and she will be 3 years old in February. I love this little lady so much! :D She is so special and has never tried to bite anyone. She even begged to be let out when my friends visited a few weeks ago! She really seemed to enjoy the attention.The look on his face as Amy stepped straight out onto his hand was priceless!

Aw Tiff, Amy is still looking sweet. She is still the prettiest girlie girl cham around. Give her my love. And don't forget to treat her like the princess that she is.:)
Wow! Look at those fat pads and those arms. What are you feeding that girl?

Not much at all at the moment! She has two mid sized locusts every other day when she'll eat them. She goes through phases of being so greedy that she shoots her tongue at everything that moves and also at my painted finger nails and the sparkly bits on my glasses! Other times, like now, she can take it or leave it.

She's not fat she is undertall. Just like me!! :eek: Lol! :D
Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments. She is very brightly coloured at the moment but sadly the lighting in the viv and the flash didn't show them so well. I have always found the lighting in that viv not the best for photos even when Tommy was in there. She looked so regal though, I just had to take a photo of her!
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