
Im a busy guy im a full time college student getting my Assosiate in Applied Science for Welding, and my Masters in Astrophysics, part time ski/snowboard tech., and part time welders helper
Day job: Biological research technician, USDA. Part time: Jewlery maker (mostly beading 'cause it take too much time to set up the torch and pickle jar these days). Full time: Wife, mom, animal advocate.
Concept Designer for Animation, currently teaching design course at a University while getting my master degree at the same time.
Devoted Chameleon Keeper, prior life 25 years in Legal & Compliance for Banks, that is over forever!!! But chams are here for the rest of my life. Life is good when you retire.:) Too bad you have to get old to do it.:(
industrial designer......working a design engineer.

Would love to relocate to pacific northwest....... if anyone knows of any opening, let me know.
Army wife, stay at home mom of 2 kids, herp rescue/rehabber/foster mom, herp educator(I go to schools,etc), reptile hobbyist that breeds various species for fun:)
Coordinator/supervisor for an ambulance company. Been doing that for 13 years and still enjoy every day of it.
I'm a fish guy at heart
I run my business Radiant Reefs Inc. custom aquarium installs and maintenance
I grow corals and create frag plugs for other extra income

I also work 4 or 5 days a week at Pet Kingdom, a local Fish/reptile store
Pet shop is minimum wage but gives me access to supplies and livestock for my customers without having to do my own $5000 bulk orders and maintaining a holding system at my house. Also gives me access to some CRAZY reptiles cause everyone at the shop is a fish junky or herp junky, so we all breed bunch of stuff and order crazy shit:D
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