prouding presently


New Member
my zoo... 20 gorgeous creatures in total.

I aquired all these guys in 2012, after moving in with a man whose happy to have his house filled with animals. These are all pets I've dreamed of owning or never dared to dream I'd own. I love all my guys & it gives me great pleasure to look after them.


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What a fine little menagerie you have.......if you had a bird and a fish too you'd have all the major groups covered :D
I saw the most amazing fish ever the other day, it was called a frog fish, it looked like a goblin! but I don't think I could cope with a saltwater tank.

I had a budgie called Percy Batman when I was a kid but I was 2 & prefered trying to kick the city pidgeons... he found a happy home with my nan
I saw the most amazing fish ever the other day, it was called a frog fish, it looked like a goblin!
Yeah, little angler fish things...they do look like those stupid toy goblin things that were popular a few years back.....:D I never had any need for fish either, except in my pond when I were much younger.
haha! I just realised how little sense the title makes. it was supposed to read 'proudly presenting' lol
Now you mention read it as 'proudly presenting' - and I'm normally so quick to spot amusing typos...:rolleyes::)
I love your zoo Rebecca! :) It makes me jelly though because the wicked land lady of the west won't allow any more pets :(
you could set it up so that when she knocks on the door, you push a button & all the cham cages turn round & show bookcases instead ;)
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