If I could provide Helix Aspersa species of snails would people be interested? They could be from a clean culture and you could get various sizes depending on whether you wanted to raise them or just feed them off?
They are doing well I had planned to do a shit ton of shipping last week but the temps here were just too high for me to be comfortable, we didn't hit 85 regularly enough. I mean now would be perfect and we are supposed to have rain tomorrow and Monday so I feel like if I can skip out when there isn't thunder I can definitely ship then, if not those days I will put them in the larger collecting cages before putting them in the shipping delis. Little temperature sensitive brats <3
I need to look into some good homemade snail traps... I think some greens would be the best way to go and some pitfall jars.
lmao XD, I find it funny that they are supposedly illegal but they are such an invasive species here for so long that they are impossible to get rid of.
Yeah... they are in a lot of places in the US... I think most places they don't survive well is deserty areas that are more sandy and dry deserts. We are technically a desert but we are considered a high desert through out most of california. I already have my snail trap and I am waiting for some, they likely will start showing up as the day cools off.
They are high in calcium, they chew up the shell a bit and then swallow. I took a video of mine eating a pretty large one. He crunched the shell pretty hard where he could and swallowed the rest. The body digests the shell
I got rid of my colony. Very messy- they poop a whole lot.
I wish you woulda taken mine- I gave them to my biology teacher friend.
I might have eggs in the substrate though, going to check it out tomorrow.
Lol, if you do I will happily take them, sadly I didn't think anyone would want to actually buy them XD and therefore I would just have too many snails everywhere.
Have you gotten into this before Andee? Honestly, if you are seriously considering it you ought to go monumentally big, get the proper permits (from what I understand no cost just a little paperwork), and consider doing a greenhouse of them, even if it is just a shed sized thing. The caviar is the most expensive in the world and the work involved actually seems to only make sense on a huge basis. In other words, the time spent dealing with 10,000 snails is probably less and easier than dealing with 100 snails. You need some sort of self-sustaining system that doesn't involve daily maintenance because they are horrifically messy on a small scale.
Honestly unless these snails all die at the same time for me, IME they're surprisingly easy to care for... wipe off the sides once a blue moon and throw veggies in. My springtails and isos have boomed in just a week of being in there. Even have the lovely soil mites sharing the fun lol.