pseudomonas, any good stories?


i'm such an over protective mother. My lil guy had been napping during the day and going to sleep about a half hour before his bed time so i took him straight to the vet. A fecal smear and culture/sensitivity test were done. i just got the result back today. they said he has an over growth of pseudomonas, which he also had 2 years ago when i first had him checked, but he looked and acted healthy so the vet said nothing ( i guess its a common bacteria within them). but now since he is showing sleepy signs and the culture still came back with an overgrowth they want to treat him with baytril. She told me this medicine will have a large effect on his kidneys and i'm so worried. she suggested keeping him full of fluids. but any positive stories would be nice to hear :eek:
Good luck with your cham. I know Baytril is the drug of choice with large snakes such as retics and burmese pythons. They don't seem to have a negative effect on them. Hopefully it'll be the same for you.
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Pseudomonas is an opportunist pathogen and is found in the water, soil and just about everywhere else even plants. It can be found where there is little oxygen (aerobic) and is gram negative. It can grow at a wide range of temperatures and humans can get it too. Its one of the most common bacteria causing infections in burn cases. Its a stubborn bacteria to get rid of and is resistant to some medications.

Anytime I've seen it in a chameleon its greenish in color and has a smell something like over-ripe grapes.

Hope your little one gets rid of it!
Be sure to keep your chameleon well hydrated to protect the kidneys.
I had a ambilobe male with URI. After a 10 day course of baytril didn't do it, the vet had him on it for 20 more days. I had never heard of a 30 course of baytril but I checked 2 other vets who said yes, that was what to do. Chubby is fine today. So I guess we can call that a sucess story. He is just his old self, beautiful, active and eats well. I put the baytril in a superworm twice a day. I didn't want to do shots.
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Its the next day we just got back from the vet and pet store ( i had to buy him some treats for being so good). We started his day off with a nice hydrating shower for about 5 minutes, just to jump start his kidneys and get them ready for what was to come. then after he dried off under his heat lamp we went to the vet. i really wanted to see the injections but they couldn't let me back in the room :( the vet gave him 2, one in each shoulder. one was just hydrating fluids becuase i had mentioned how scared i was of hurting his kidneys. Now his front legs "arms" aren't grabbing as tightly as they use to; the ride home he gripped a branch with his back feet and held his arms in like karate mode :D so far so good. he's laying low for now, just resting, with his head laying on a branch under his heat lamp. the beatles i bought him at the pet store (his usual favorite) hes not too interested in at the moment.

poor baby. however, i'm feeling better now about his treatment. :)
Interesting... one of my melleri is currently battling a rather stubborn pseudomonas infection in his knee and according to my vet these infections can take a very long time to clear. He actually said that batryl wouldn't be very effective and advised to use pipperacillin or fortaz instead (we chose pipperacillin since we already had that in the freezer).

Well, I hope your cham will be ok!
How often does he need the batryl injections?
they're doing saturday and wednesday injections. only 4 injections total though. I think the vet just wants to get the bacteria down to a normal level. she said we don't want to over treat bacause it is a normal "good" bacteria. and each vet visit causes him stress, she really wants to keep his stress down.
Did the vet offer any thoughts on why the pseudomonas had gotten to higher levels ? Reason that I raise the point is that I have some experience there, and without straying too much from simple logic, there usually has to be a source of higher pseudomonas contamination that tehn gets into your chameleon. While just a possibility, in our experience, it comes via crickets that have been kept in conditions that have a septic source, or in the cage where crickets then uptake the higher bacteria counts, and transfer them to your cham. Excessive moisture not cleaned every couple of days (after 4 its a problem) is a vital ingredient to this source. Good luck.
well when i first got him i took him in for all the tests and she said he was "fine" so i believed i had a clean cham., but now that i've gone back due to his napping, she has admited that the original culture came back with the same over growth but there were no signs of him being "sick" so she never said anything. "we didn't want to over treat him" she said. So its not that there is a new over whelming amount of bacteria, she said the two cultures looked the same. its just he's now showing signs of a problem. but this afternoon, his activity level has already sky rocketed compared to how it has ever been. i always thought he was just a slow moving cham, but this after, after the first dose of meds, hes crusing ALL OVER his cage!

i feel like a dousche bag for not knowing....but the vet said he was fine.

either way he's doing great now

everything went well with him. only one day half of his urate was orange (dehydrated) and so i stuffed him full of water after i saw that. hes great now. this is a good storey in the end :D

i'm worry free now :cool:
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