Question about adulthood in Mellers chams


New Member
I was jsut wondering at what age are Mellers cham considered an adult? I believe mine to be an subadult or juv....but I am really unsure since he is only 9 1/2 inches long....I am trying to figure out the best feeding schedule for him. He eats like it is his last meal.:D I was feeding him 10-15 med/large crickets every other day but he seemed to want to eat every day. Anyone with some suggestions would be great.
I have also been giving him dubias. The most he has had was 7 nickle sized in one day. I have been on vacation and when I got back yesterday I figured I would still have some crickets left for today but my sitter gave them to him since he was still seaching the cage for food! So I was hoping that someone with a similar sized Mellers could give me some advise on how much to feed him. I have read so many amounts and none seem to match.....I would have posted this on the Melleri group but it wouldn't allow hopefully someone can help me:)
Adult size for melleri starts at about 16" total length. Until then they should be fed daily, IMHO. Though not as much as they may want, melleri are greedy critters. I give my 9-month old CBs about 8-10 3/4" crickets a day + some treats. I skip a day every now and then, but less than once a week.
Are you saying total lenght is including the tail? He is only 9 1/2 snout to vent....what does IMHO stand for? Sorry I don't know that one. I have been told he is a year and a half old so how much would you feed him? And do you know if Dubias are okay for him?
IMHO= in my honest opinion....
Dubia are GREAT for him....I would recommend keeping a steady supply coming.
I have a Melleri that is ~9in and he can EAT. Since he is WC and I've only had him a couple of months he eats at least 6 dubia and ~7-8 crickets, and gets BIG male roaches and/or hornworms as snacks.
With total length I meant including tail. If he's 9.5 inches snout to vent he's definitely an adult. I have three 3+ year old melleri that are smaller than that. Not all melleri get to be 2 feet long.
Thanks Sepioteuthis and Ibesok....I am glad to see that he is eating enough....and just being a PIG! I will measure him in the morning to see how long he is including his tail (it is pretty long I think) :) He started to peel yesterday!!! I am so glad...I hadn't seen him peel yet and I want to make sure he is happy and healthy!
I am so glad that he can be eating Dubias...he loves them! I had to start feeding them to him in a bowl though....the little bugs are quick and they hide from him! Can't blame the guys but I went to clean his cage today since I was transfering him to his new BIG cage and I found three Dubias (I gave him those two days ago!) He doesn't even seem to mind that he has to get them from a tupperware dish.....he just crunches away!
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