Question on misters?


New Member
I've done a lot of research on misters while I've been considering getting a chameleon. But the only thing I have no found is how messy they are. Can anyone tell me just how big of a mess the misters can make outside of the cage if I am using an aluminum screen one. Also do veileds have to be fed pie crickets?
If you position the nozzles correctly, you can minimize the amount of water that gets sprayed outside of the enclosure through the mesh.

What's a pie cricket?
Oh, ok. No problem. I figured it was, but I couldn't decode

Live crickets are necessary. You will need to gutload them the night prior before feeding.

By the way, welcome to the forum.
Thanks! And when you say minimize how much water are you talking about? I ask because I have carpet floors in my house and of course the last thing I want is for the carpets to mildew...

You need to feed a variety of insects and no you don't have to feed crickets. They are just easier to find at local pet shops. I breed Dubias and give crickets once a week maybe. I need to get back own track with feeding silk worms, horn worms and butter worms. There are many things you can feed. Be alive they all must be to entice a chameleon.
If you do choose to feed crickets yes they need to be live. Also with a mist king you can choose different nozzles and they can be positioned where no water comes out of the cage
Ok so live crickets and I can position the nozzles can someone post a picture of the setup or better yet send me a video of the mister in action as I have to get approval other than mine.
I've read that you can use some plastic the cover three of the six sides to help humidity but not restrict air circulation. This may be a good option for you to think about.
Do you mean like seran wrapping the sides? Has anyone else heard about this and when you say 4 of the 6 I'm guessing that that means if i were to do that i shouldn't wrap 3 of the main sides? Also can someone please explain what a drainage system is for me. (cage standards obviously)
For my sides, I went to the Dollar store and bought a plain green shower curtain and cut it up and taped it with masking tape to the sides of my cage, I think it looks good and because I live in an Apartment I did not need the water to go everywhere and it keeps the humidity in the cage pretty well. I don't put the plastic all the way down just to half the size of our cage... here is a photo of it so you see how i did mine.
I use a Raindome style mister as well (from Aquazamp), placed pretty much in the center of my 24x24x48 cage. None of the mist/raindrops make it outside.
I just built a cage/free range. I have screen on the back, screen on the two lower sides and plastic on the two upper sides and the upper back to help with holding in humdity and heat. There is no door. There will be a screen door for night time and when we are gone. Do not buy the monsoon mister. Bad reviews and unfortunately, I am stuck with one for now. You just position the nozzles so they spray on the plants/tree and don't spray out.
Oh wow the raindome thing is perfect thats exactly what I'm looking for! Thankyou guys so much. Y'all have been a huge help.

Once again thanks
New Question On Aquazamp Raindome

Forrest when you ordered yours did you get the premium raindome kit? and if so does it come with a nozzle?
I have 4 screen cages with 3 mist king spray heads in each cage. The cages are 2ftx2ftx4ft. The sprayers run 3 min in the am and every 3.5 hrs for a 12 hr cycle. The cycle times are 30 seconds to 1 minute randomly controlled. I have never had any problems with massive amounts of water from the cages. All 4 have deep bases with drains.
all right thanks has anyone else ever had any problems at all with misters? And mainly has anyone ever had carpets mildew from the water outside of the cage?

Leakage would be a huge problem for me!

Oh and ladybones i can't really tell from your pic can you still see through the shower curtains?
I use a raindome from Aquazamp and have no issues with water coming out of cage... I also use aquarium backing (the scenic paper people use on the back of their fish tank) taped on the side to keep the humidity and it also looks cool cuz it has background decoration
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