My chameleon did not start to get friendly until around 5 or 6 months of age. I had started hand feeding a month or so beforehand, so I started luring him out onto my arm with prey. It worked like a charm.
really they shouldnt be held to often..some do tolerate it a lttle better then others but the key word is tolerate.. exesive handling can and will stress your chameleon out..
i hold mine when cleaning well as the occasional check up to make sure everything is kosher..
mine do hand feed though and thats a great way to "train them" into assosiating you with food = positive experience
Agreed...I would start with hand feedings before trying to handlings them...I worked a "wild" panther into a loving baby after a about 1 month of hand feedings........he still isnt too keen on my holding him but he doesnt mind it as much as he use to.