New Member
New to the forums, but i have been reading posts as much as i can.. my question is: I have a Senegal Chameleon ... do most of the same rules apply to him as they would, say, a veiled? i have been looking all over the Internet for more info on Senegals, but just havent seemed to find enough... he is in a 55 gallon aquarium with a 5.0 UVB bulb and a heat lamp to one side... lots of branches, fake plants, a drip system ... have had him about 4 days, and he's eating well and seems to be taking to his surroundings quite well..not sure on how he's drinking, but i mist him 2 to 3 times a day in 3-4 minute intervals, and he freaks out about it, but seems to be drinking a little bit... i got him from a local pet store here in town (where i have bought many other very healthy reptiles from before), so he seems to be healthy... i attatched a few photos, so please let me know how he looks....i have/will be following the supplements rule i have been reading on here from multiple forum experts...
anything else i should be doing or know about senegals? I guess the biggest question i have is whether the same rules apply for him as they do for veiled, jacksons, etc. any comments would be appreciated! Thanks!
anything else i should be doing or know about senegals? I guess the biggest question i have is whether the same rules apply for him as they do for veiled, jacksons, etc. any comments would be appreciated! Thanks!