Rango Pictures


New Member
Some pics of him from his weekly shower today. Then he also got a nice misting with the Zilla Shed Ease spray because he is haveing problems sheding.









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He looks good, how old is he then? And how long has that movie been out for now? I don't think I've seen such a big healthy looking Rango :)
Thank you both! I was planning on getting a lady friend for him over summer but I decided not too because I didn't feel like I knew enough or have enough expierince yet. Maybe in the future.
That's funny! I wanted to call my panther Rango, but I changed my mind at the last minute!! He looks great! You shuold call him Rambo, look at his size!!:D
Thank you both! I was planning on getting a lady friend for him over summer but I decided not too because I didn't feel like I knew enough or have enough expierince yet. Maybe in the future.
If you can keep a male that well for a year, and you can get a female through at least one laying before you try fertilised eggs I think you should go for it......how much would you like to look after a batch of babies for a few months, that is the question :D
Haha i think he looks more like a rango than rambo. But that is a cute name
I don't really know why, but this time I have refused to give all my lizards names this batch.......my brother has named the Chams Rin-Tin-Tin (or Rinty! for short, lol) and Jasmine. I think they really suit them, but they are my chams and if I'm not naming them then nobody can, plus I like that my boy gets to be the Cham with no name :cool:, I think that suits him too.....
I have abslutley no problem takeing care of babies. I already take care of all my other pets. Its my favorite thing to do. How could you not name your lizards? Haha. I give all my pets names even some of my fish.. I just got a leopard gecko and i cant figure out a name for her and it annoying me!
. How could you not name your lizards? Haha. I give all my pets names even some of my fish.. I just got a leopard gecko and i cant figure out a name for her and it annoying me!
Well they don't need names for any reason, they won't be coming to me when I call them anytime soon :). These are the first pets I've not named, and I think I just couldn't be bothered to think of a name - didn't want that annoying feeling of indecision so I decided they don't need names...problem solved :) Then my annoying little brother goes and names them, so I have to stick to my guns.........
Well they don't need names for any reason, they won't be coming to me when I call them anytime soon :). These are the first pets I've not named, and I think I just couldn't be bothered to think of a name - didn't want that annoying feeling of indecision so I decided they don't need names...problem solved :) Then my annoying little brother goes and names them, so I have to stick to my guns.........

Haha i see. How many no named lizards do you have?
Haha i see. How many no named lizards do you have?

I got my pair of Veileds, and since I could tell they both had pretty typical Veiled attitudes to handling, and I saw this baby (7 week old!) Savannah Monitor for only £25 I had to get it and justify it by saying that playing with it will stop me bothering my Chams too much.......so I have 3 unnamed lizards right now, and after baby Veileds I want one with horns, probably a Jacksons.......what other pets have you got?
I got my pair of Veileds, and since I could tell they both had pretty typical Veiled attitudes to handling, and I saw this baby (7 week old!) Savannah Monitor for only £25 I had to get it and justify it by saying that playing with it will stop me bothering my Chams too much.......so I have 3 unnamed lizards right now, and after baby Veileds I want one with horns, probably a Jacksons.......what other pets have you got?

Jacksons are so amazing! My very first cham was a 2 month old jacksons named Kaos. He was the sweetest thing. The complete opposite of a veiled. But he past away because he was sick when i bought him and i didnt know it. :(

I have 2 dogs, 3 cats, 2 guinea pigs, 2 crested geckos, 1 leopard gecko, 1 african dwarf frog, a fish tank and then Rango.
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