Real Sun Outings - How Long?


New Member
So I've had my Veiled for about a month now and have socialized him enough that he is okay being coaxed out of his set up and onto a bungee cord/rope (he doesn't like being on me for extended periods of time). Since he was doing so well, and it is a gorgeous sunny day out, I decided to take him out onto the deck. Other than watching a few wasps like a hawk, he seemed very chill. I stayed out there with him for about 10 minutes, which is about the max I've limited myself to for "social" time. He didn't seem too happy being moved back inside though, and he was reluctant going back into his enclosure!

For those who do take your chams outside, whats a range of how long you stay out? Any general tips in this area would be fantastic!

Some specs:
*Veiled cham ~9-10months old?
*Plants: Dracaena, 2 Ficus and Purple Wandering Jew
*Lights: Exo Terra 75W Infared Basking Spot, Zoo Med 60W Daylight Blue Reptile Bulb (UVA), and the farther light is an Exo Terra UVB Bulb 75W... I cant remember which one
*Lights are on a ~10hr cycle on/off
*Humidity ranges between 35-50 depending on the time of day
*Bottom Temperatures (from left to right) 70-75
*Top Temperatures (from left to right - under lamps included) 75-110
*Cage is located next to my large window, which in the summer time (now) has the window open approx 3ft from the set up
As with any living creature or plant, they have to get adjusted to sun, which can burn them. So 10 minutes at a time moving up slowly is the best way to do it.
I take my veileds in the sun and they love it. I try to give them 30 or an hour.

The problem is, the days i dont take them, they go to the floor of the cage and try to escape.
The best thing to do is build or buy a cage for use outside and put him in there for as much time as you can. We built outdoor cages for our boys and put misters on them that hook up to the hose outside. Put some plants in for cover and ensure they have enough shade to get out of the sun when they want to. I put them out there for as long as the temperatures allow. Some days its all day, other days for a couple hours. Their behavior and appetite are so much better when getting natural sun.

Beware of unprotected outings. I read too many times about someone's cham getting snatched up by a bird right before their eyes.
Would one plant be enough for an outside cage or would you do the whole set up (minus the lamps obviously) outside? My deck really isn't that large! He definitely did seem way better being outside!

Another worry I have is that there are wasps outside - obviously I wouldn't feed these purposely, but if he tries to eat one is that okay? What happens if he gets stung??
One plant would be fine. Just be sure part of the cage has shade. I'm not sure about wasps but chameleons do eat bees in the wild. I would do what you can to avoid wasps to be on the safe side. Small mesh cage could prevent wasps coming in tongue range. If outdoors its inevitable that they will eat some wild insect.
Thank you for all the feedback guys! I got a smaller mesh set up with 2 Ficus plants and lots of horizontal branches and left him outside for 4 hours yesterday in Sunny ~26C weather and his temperament when I brought him back in was SUCH a drastic change! So much calmer, willing to climb onto my hand without nudging, and willingly went back into his normal enclosure! He also had such a bigger appetite for my ~8month old guy! I'm definitely going to make this part of a daily routine, weather permitting!
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