Really? just how stubborn can she be?

little leaf

Avid Member
Olive has become SO picky on how she will eat her crickets- she will ONLY eat crickets- and now, she will only eat them off the vine - she used to cup feed, but for some reason - she will no longer- so not really a huge deal - so I would take the crix one at a time - and place them on the side of the cage, and after they took a few steps, she would get them- well, now, she wont eat them that way either- NOW I have to place them on the vine- only one at a time-and of course they fall off - into her huge thick plant- never to be seen again ! this is becoming costly, and mind you I not only have to feed her, but dogs, puppies, goats, horses and the fish ALL BEFORE I get ready for work- I get up at 5:45 am to start all the feeding- but I am getting so tired of her fussy eating habits - she is more than willing to eat- she is not on a hunger strike because she will eat everyone that stays on the vine- the issue crix must be missing vital brain cells- they just "let go" and fall :mad: like they are clueless how to hang on - I can not just throw the crix in and hope for the best - I know she will not eat them off the bottom- apparently, if it hits the floor, the 5 second food rule dose not apply to crickets in her book~ anyone have any ideas how to feed her and not go threw so many crix? ( and time- she takes at least an hr just to feed, mist, water -
Suck it up lady! You are the boss, you need to let her know that. Feed her one cricket in her approved method, let her see you take it from the cup, leave the rest in the cup. When her little green butt gets hungry she will eat. If she likes to eat, she will.:)
Cheryl, I have no answer here but what Laurie had to say sounds like a good method to try....what ever, wishing you the best of luck.
Yeah Cheryl, I agree with Carol that a little tough love may be needed here.

I am not sure of her current health status, but I would only offer her food via your preferred method (cup or free hunting). Eventually she will eat when she gets hungry enough.

Good luck :)
:eek:WHAT !!??? :eek: abuse her ? oh, you said- tough love - :p
that is the point I am about at - telling her "GET OVER YOURSLEF OLIVE:mad: " I have tried the "you know....there are starving Chameleons in in other parts of the world.... " ( AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE ONE OF THEM IF YOU DON'T STOP BEING SO PICKY !)

ok, I will try the tough love - she is healthy , fat, CUTE-( even tho that has nothing to do w/ eating- she is dang cute :D )
thanks gang :)
Yep - I agree with the earlier posts. Sometimes we spoil these little guys and gals too much, and they learn how to take advantage of our loving care :D. So in this case, some tough love is probably in order. She will eat.
My bearded dragon prefers hand feeding. Rarely ever goes after a super worm if it falls out of my fingers and gives me the stink eye till i pick it back up to feed him.
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