Recent imports!


New Member
We recently got an import of some animals from Madagascar. Here are a few of the chameleons we received.
Furcifer lateralis


Furcifer oustaleti

Not sure what this is. It sticks out from all the others. Anyone? Came in as F.oustaleti.

Brookesia therezieni

Good to know. Thank you Chris. I guess all the females are gravid. Because she is the only one that looks like that.
The females are all very nice lookint. Most of the males are drab brown. Still awesome chameleones none the less.
Thanks everyone. It is alot of fun working with all these species of animals from madagascar :)
Beautiful chameleons!

I have to speak up for the "little guy"

LOVE the therezieni!! (long live the stumpies)
We are not selling any of the lateralis. Looks like we will actually be sending back the oustaleti and lateralis due to documentation infractions.

Thanks everyone for the comments.
We are not selling any of the lateralis. Looks like we will actually be sending back the oustaleti and lateralis due to documentation infractions.

Thanks everyone for the comments.

I hate that kind of situation... Because of some paper, the health of these chameleons may be at risk with so much exposure to stressful situations... If at least they could be given to a zoo so they don't have to fly back to Madagascar...

Nice pictures though!
I hate that kind of situation... Because of some paper, the health of these chameleons may be at risk with so much exposure to stressful situations... If at least they could be given to a zoo so they don't have to fly back to Madagascar...

Nice pictures though!

Better to put the seller on notice that infractions won't be tolerated than to keep putting other animals at risk. The need for "those papers" probably saved many other chams from stress and death over the years.

Do the animals have to go all the way back overseas or just back to the wholesaler/importer for documentation? I agree...having to ship them all the way "home" will be very hard on them. My more cynical side thinks they won't be going anywhere. Such a shame.
Its pretty much a death sentence for these animals if they do end up having to go back. We are trying our best to get this straighten out so they dont have to go all the way back to Madagascar and can stay with us.

Here is another picture of some B.superciliaris love.
What are documentation infractions? I dont understand this situation. How can animals go through the whole process of being imported, then have to get shipped back to madagascar? Once there here and distributed, isnt that it? Im not familiar with the importing process and am very curious. That would be super lame if you guys had to ship them back. GoodlucK!
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