I'm in the process of replanting my pothos and schleffera. What's best for adequate drainage?
I'm leaning towards organic sea soil (brand name) hydroton and coconut fiber. Any thoughts or experiences? Thanx
Clay balls in the bottom, helps. Use a mesh between the soil and the balls. I also, mix styrofoam (perlite) chips in the soil to help it from clumping.
I can't say that this is the best as I'm new to it, but I repotted my schefflera and used river rocks on the bottom, topped by organic soil with more river rocks on top. It took a few good waterings to get the "loose" soil out so it wouldn't come out of the bottom of the pot with watering, but that's what I did. As I'm thinking about it, coconut fiber on top of the bottom river rocks would have probably helped hold the soil in but let the water drain. I would like to hear what others think as well!
I found as long as there are holes for drainage at the bottom of your pots organic pesiscide free soil covered with a top layer of river stone works very well. My plants are hanging in my enclosure.
The hygroton clay balls would be lighter weight than river rock if that's a concern. They are great as you can scrub, sterilize, and reuse them over and over. I also found a new drainage substrate at Josh's Frogs that is incredibly light weight and reusable. It looks like pumice, so a little more "natural" looking than hygroton.