
No, it's a mercury vapor bulb - UVB UVA and heat. I haven't done much reading up on them lately.
havent seen any 150w hid bulbs, only 100w and 160w, might be talking about a cf bulb.

as far as hid bulbs:
im using one right now, i like it alot, more of a natural look, the only prob. is getting the right gradient in the small cages. my chamy loves it and i dont have to worry about if she's gettin enough uvb's while she's basking. and if you wanna grow any "flowering plants" in your cage this is great.
Thanks! Any pics with the screenzipped up? I want to see how "ugly" it is.

Also...this is the cgae that I plan on using outside.....yearround except on the coldest and hotest nights(below 65 and above 95). Do you think the cage wll melt in the heat of the 80s and 90s?
I use them as heat up enclosures when temps. are mild. Cages need some degree of shading, if placed in 80 - 90 degree sunshine, or your roast your chameleon by mid-day. Here's only picture I have, of one I use. I keep four 38gals. at the side of my house to heat up and provide natural sun to young veils in the low morning sun. But if you don't have a watering system to cool them down, the black mesh just heats up too much in the mid-day sun. They do hold up well outdoors. You'll get more fading from heatlamp than sunlight.
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