Resource for 100W incandescent bulbs?


New Member
Has anyone found a place online that sells 100W incandescent bulbs (household type)? That's what I've been using, but they don't make them in the US anymore. I like them because they are cheap, but I guess I'll need to break down and buy a more expensive "heat bulb".
I can't find any but the heavy duty type which are more expensive. I should have stocked up last year!!
Have you considered the spotlight types? They seem to last a LOT longer than your standard bulbs do and for me, they have been worth the money - I've had a couple of them now that are approaching 1.5 years old and have had no issues & they still kick out the needed heat. Just a thought anyway.
As far as I know, the legislation that was to ban these bulbs was put on hold. You should still be able to get them. Ask a local hardware store to order them if you can't find them.
Have you considered the spotlight types? They seem to last a LOT longer than your standard bulbs do and for me, they have been worth the money - I've had a couple of them now that are approaching 1.5 years old and have had no issues & they still kick out the needed heat. Just a thought anyway.

I use those halogen exterior spotlights from hardware stores. They are sturdy and seem to last very well. The heavier glass can handle an occasional splatter, the filaments don't break easily, they don't break at the socket like indoor cheapos tend to, and they do put out the heat.
I can't find any but the heavy duty type which are more expensive. I should have stocked up last year!!

Sometimes you get what you pay for. I stopped using "household" incandescents years ago and opted for the heavier duty exterior halogens. They last for years, and as we are not expecting them to provide special wavelengths or UVB, use them till they drop. They don't have that annoying habit of exploding when a water drop hits the glass, they don't crumble at the socket, and you can move them while warm without holding your breath and tiptoeing.
Home Depot, Lowes, etc still carry these. The standard old regular ones.

They are simply no longer used for indoor lighting purposes. They still have other valid uses (such as reptile heating :p)

EDIT: I agree about the exploding issue if you aren't very careful.
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