Respiratory Infection


New Member
I do apologize in advance as I know that there is already a thread on this somewhere in here, but I am new to the site, and also am in a hurry right now... again, I do apologize :confused:

This morning while giving my veiled cham, Demi, her vitamins, we noticed that she had frothy spit in her mouth. I'm guessing we caught this early because she isn't showing any other symptoms as of right now, like the tilting her head upward. It did also seem as if she was exhaling more than normal, I don't know if this would be considered wheezing... Yesterday my boyfriend was completely douching the tank, so we had her out of her area for a good few hours longer than she would normally be out. It was relatively cooler in the house than in her tank, so that's why I'm thinking that this is a respiratory infection. I am not trying to take any shortcuts, as my cham's health is more important than anything to me in the long run. However, it is going to take me a few days to put together the money to bring her to the vet... is there anything that I can do for her in the mean time? Also, is it probable that this is a respiratory infection? Thank you!
Hi, and welcome to the forum! Sorry that it's under these circumstances though.

It may be a respiratory infection, frothy saliva is definitely a symptom. One thing you can do until you get to the vet is raise her basking temperature just a few degrees (3-5) so that it'll help her metabolism fight it off better by itself. What are her current temperatures?

They say warm showers help them breathe better as well, so if she's up for being placed in the shower on a plant and misted with warm water that could make her feel better. In theory it helps them clear out the mucus, much like a hot shower helps us cough better when we're sick too.
thank you for getting back to me so soon, makes me feel a little better that she'll be okay waiting a couple days to make it to the vet. She is our second veiled in the last 2 years, our first died from metabolic bone disease, she was about 5 months old, so I am very nervous about Demi being sick!

Right now her temp is around 70F on the cool end, and just about 80F on the other. I am thinking I will go out and buy another heater for the tank.. and just to get through today, until I can make it to the pet store, I'll put a blanket over the screen tops to keep the heat in. I also will definitely give her a warm shower! Thank you again =)
You say tank? Is it all glass?
Also, you're describing ends,rather than up and lower?
How is you Cham housed?
Yes, it's all glass. I attached a picture of the whole thing, you can see her sleeping up in the righthand corner.


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There's a pond all the way to the left, but it does look like the whole thing is water because of the flash & condensation in the dirt. However I did just read the whole enclosure section on here, and I do realize that I need to get something that is more vertical than wide... is there any way I could make this work by maybe adding more branches and vines/more levels? ..or is my best bet just starting over?
You want a tall cage - screen sides and top. I wouldn't place heater in tank (gotta get a taller cage) place space heater in room were cage is to help raise ambient temperature.
Hi, first of all srry to hear that you little guy is having problems :(. Concerning to the respiratory infection I can not help you. I am not an expert at all and I am not even near to be one but one thing that every one is going to tell you on this forum based on that pic that you posted is that you need a totally new set up for your cham if you want him to be healthy and happy. I strongly encorage you to read the caresheet and take a look on the enclosure threads they are really helpful. The enclosure could be causing a lot of problems and it could even be the cause of your cham respiratory problem.
I am realizing that while creating the enclosure I was kind of concentrating on making the habitat exactly what I wanted to look at, I ignored certain needs that she has environment-wise.. I've been more concerned with vanity than functional value, if that makes sense..

I am definitely going to be making plans for a brand new enclosure for her asap.

Thank you to everyone who replied!
I am realizing that while creating the enclosure I was kind of concentrating on making the habitat exactly what I wanted to look at, I ignored certain needs that she has environment-wise.. I've been more concerned with vanity than functional value, if that makes sense..

I am definitely going to be making plans for a brand new enclosure for her asap.

Thank you to everyone who replied!

Unfortunately, that is not an enclosure that a chameleon can thrive (or even survive) in. Get her into a new environment ASAP.

Here's a great place to get started if you haven't been through this already:

Two other great places to get cool ideas for enclosures:

Some members have just amazingly beautiful, well crafted cages that you can take ideas from.

In the interim, set up a temporary environment in the bathtub or somewhere else safe and escape proof until her new cage is ready.
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Yes as previously said, it's is amazing your chameleon is still living. A respitory infection is the least of your worries. Any other cage is better than that. Please remove the chameleon ASAP and do some research here on the forums.
Her living conditions is probably why she's got the RI. But I'd say you've been very lucky she's not been eaten.
Read up on female egg laying too, they lay whether mated or not.
wow. housing your cham with a boa in a glass fish tank....ughh

Im sorry to hear that your cham has a RI but thats expected with little to no ventillation what so ever. Get your cham OUT of that enclolsure and get it to the vet Immediately if you want your cham to survive. I would be horrified if I ever woke up and saw a boa in my chams enclosure.

Please please please read up on the care sheets on here. You need proper enclosure, lighting, vitamins, diet, gutload just to name a few things.

You need to provide your animal with what it needs to thrive and not what YOU want the tank to look like.
Wow I guess I was really heading in the wrong direction, before setting anything up I asked a specialist who puts shows and Q&A's at Petco about all the conditions.. and to say the least I feel like he gave me some terrible advice it is starting to look like.. He had told me that the glass is okay as long as there is a screen top for ventilation, and the heat and humidity is moderate. He also told me that housing my boa as long as she is still a baby with Demi should be okay as long as I keep her fed as my cham is always up in the leaves and higher levels in the branches. Ugh... buying new enclosure, ASAP. NOT listening to people at Petco... ever again :confused:
Yes lesson learned. Most major pet stores do not offer quality information and proper care guidelines for chameleons. A lot of people on here have experienced the same dissatisfaction.
Wow I guess I was really heading in the wrong direction, before setting anything up I asked a specialist who puts shows and Q&A's at Petco about all the conditions.. and to say the least I feel like he gave me some terrible advice it is starting to look like.. He had told me that the glass is okay as long as there is a screen top for ventilation, and the heat and humidity is moderate. He also told me that housing my boa as long as she is still a baby with Demi should be okay as long as I keep her fed as my cham is always up in the leaves and higher levels in the branches. Ugh... buying new enclosure, ASAP. NOT listening to people at Petco... ever again :confused:

Holy cow, I would not just go back and rip him a new one, but the manager as well. That's supremely irresponsible information to give to anyone, and I would certainly let them know about it. I've seen pet stores give bad advice before, but never putting a predator and a potential prey item in the same, small tank!
I am realizing that while creating the enclosure I was kind of concentrating on making the habitat exactly what I wanted to look at, I ignored certain needs that she has environment-wise.. I've been more concerned with vanity than functional value, if that makes sense..

I am definitely going to be making plans for a brand new enclosure for her asap.

Thank you to everyone who replied!

It really is a pretty looking enclosure, just not one that a chameleon should be living in. Once you get her separated and in a proper set-up she will be much happier.

So sorry you were so misinformed! The gentleman who told you these things needs to be corrected. Glad you have found the forums!
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