RI treatment- Alternatives


Avid Member
So, I believe over the past 24 hours one of my chameleon girls has begun to show symptoms of a RI... I know that many use Baytril as go to advice, but I am looking for alternative options.

I was wondering what other methods/drugs people have used to treat RI? I know RI's can be triggered by many things, so every option isn't right for every situation.

Has anyone ever actually had success with reptaid?

Also curious-- has anyone ever used Clavamox successfully?

Has anyone gone a completely different route with success?

thanks in advance!
So, I believe over the past 24 hours one of my chameleon girls has begun to show symptoms of a RI... I know that many use Baytril as go to advice, but I am looking for alternative options.

I was wondering what other methods/drugs people have used to treat RI? I know RI's can be triggered by many things, so every option isn't right for every situation.

Has anyone ever actually had success with reptaid?

Also curious-- has anyone ever used Clavamox successfully?

Has anyone gone a completely different route with success?

thanks in advance!
Reptaid dose not cure infections and clavamox I do not know about
Baytril work really well as long as you get them plenty of water why they are on the med. As for other treatments nothing else has worked for me I have tryed no meds and just better warmer set up to help cure the problem and that did nothing....
my vote is listen to your reptile vet. they have spent thousands of dollars, blood, sweat, and tears to understand and learn how to clinically treat and cure diseases. Just talk with your vet about alternative treatment options. Dr. Alfonso actually posted recently on his blog about RI in chameleons.
my vote is listen to your reptile vet. they have spent thousands of dollars, blood, sweat, and tears to understand and learn how to clinically treat and cure diseases. Just talk with your vet about alternative treatment options. Dr. Alfonso actually posted recently on his blog about RI in chameleons.

Not what I asked.... I am looking for personal experience with regards to successful treatments. Most likely coming from a vet.... sooo... Yeah. Just so you know... Not every vet knows everything about chameleons. Being informed is beneficial to both you and your vet.

Posting a link to the last part would be helpful though. Thanks!
I am sorry but it looks like you are not going to get any new info on treating your issue .... If your cham indeed has a problem it is best to start treating now instead of trying to find a wander drug or turning your cham in to a science experiment to improve your treatment of the issue at hand. The treatments people use work well and if done right have no ill affect on the cham or its life.... Kind of a if it is not broke don't fix it situation IMO.
Yeah.. looks like baytril it is.. excessive hydration here we come... I plan on going to the vet tomorrow. So if anyone has anything to contribute... Please do so!
Get you some hornworms and silks for the extra water .... When they have URIs they can asperate or drowned very easy from to much water. It is a very tricky thing to treat.
it sounds like septra is a alternative worth looking into. i would like to know the drug strength and dosing strength prescribed.
I am searching right now. I did find this link on a vet ordered nebulizer treatment for baytril. https://www.chameleonforums.com/baytril-nebulizer-61580/

But, I know that fairly recently I read a thread that I know you would be interested in reading. That one thread mentions a variety of anti-biotics besides baytril and someone gives really good detail on how they used a nebulizer chamber to treat the RI. I will keep looking and try to let you know asap.

Nevermind the above thread! That was the original. The OP posted another thread with more follow-up/updates:
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Okay, now that I'm getting closer and may have found it, you are off-line! Oh well, hopefully, you will see this before you head off to the vet appt.?

Whatcamo says this about the nebulizer treatment on pg. 5 of this thread: https://www.chameleonforums.com/respitory-infection-79644/:
Basically what you do is get a small plastic shoebox just big enough for your Cham to fit in drill a hole big enough to accept the inhalation tube then drill small 1/4" hole on the top opposite end of the inhalation tube for dosage
Say you have to use 3units of baytril for oral up that to 3.5 and mix with 3ml of saline solution in the reaction chamber of the enebulizer and turn it on with Cham in the box until the steam in the box has cleared and remove Cham put back in cage this method is very gentle on the internal organs that normally get damaged by the baytril as it is all inhaled and goes direct to the problem through the blood stream last time my Cham had an Ri I saw a complete reverse of symptoms after two treatments I'll try to get a thread put together about it with pics and all tonight or tomorrow

Well, I never did find where he made another thread about it. He does have his original RI thread but it doesn't go into as much detail as given above.

I give. Sorry I couldn't find the one I remember... Wasn't for lack of trying :)

I hope all goes well at the vet's appt. and your cham gets better soon.
Okay, now that I'm getting closer and may have found it, you are off-line! Oh well, hopefully, you will see this before you head off to the vet appt.?

Whatcamo says this about the nebulizer treatment on pg. 5 of this thread: https://www.chameleonforums.com/respitory-infection-79644/:
Basically what you do is get a small plastic shoebox just big enough for your Cham to fit in drill a hole big enough to accept the inhalation tube then drill small 1/4" hole on the top opposite end of the inhalation tube for dosage
Say you have to use 3units of baytril for oral up that to 3.5 and mix with 3ml of saline solution in the reaction chamber of the enebulizer and turn it on with Cham in the box until the steam in the box has cleared and remove Cham put back in cage this method is very gentle on the internal organs that normally get damaged by the baytril as it is all inhaled and goes direct to the problem through the blood stream last time my Cham had an Ri I saw a complete reverse of symptoms after two treatments I'll try to get a thread put together about it with pics and all tonight or tomorrow

Well, I never did find where he made another thread about it. He does have his original RI thread but it doesn't go into as much detail as given above.

I give. Sorry I couldn't find the one I remember... Wasn't for lack of trying :)

I hope all goes well at the vet's appt. and your cham gets better soon.

This is very interesting. I have a nebulizer and will try this method if I find that I need to administer Baytril. Has anyone used this method for other medications?
I went to the vet and got the baytril~ I was glad I knew about nebulizers going in.... The vet recommended I pick one up ASAP because it is by far the best method of introducing medicine to the Chams.

The nebulizing solution is made slightly different- I asked him about cheap nebulizers and he said that the variance in price is most likely due to the size of molecules they emit.

I still would like to find something else of quality that works besides baytril. But for now...:cool: She is well on her way to healing!
I'm not a vet, nor do i have experience with an RI, but I did have success with a mouth rot case using reptaid. I don't know how, or why, but when I used the reptaid on a female who had a recurring case of really bad mouth rot (before and during the time I had her) it went away for good. She had previously been treated with baytril by her second owner and my vet (I don't know what was used before that as she was with her first owner.) After that happened with her, I always try reptaid.
I was at work today (a vet hospital where my reptile vet works) and i looked through my chameleons chart and i actually forgot that he had a RI right after i got him. We treated with fortaz (ceftazidime) and it cleared right up. It was nice because it was a once every 3 days injection. If the baytril nebulizer doesnt work, talk to your vet about fortaz. My vet actually cultured his trachea before we started the fortaz to make sure we hit it with the correct antibiotic.
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