Right weight?


Avid Member
Hey all.

I would like to breed my ambanjas sometime, I wont do it now as the female is only 6-7 months old.
I weoghed her the other day and she is around 30grams (I dont know how accurate the scale is). Is she on track with her weight at that age?

What is the best weight for a female to start breeding? I read somewhere 50grams.

But Id like to hear from your personal experience about their weights?

And has anyone ever bred a female panther at the that age and weight?

Let me know

your better off waiting till she is around a year old and over 50g, breeding can take its toll on females.
OK, do you speak on personal experience? I have bred chameleons before just not panthers

well if you have bred other chams then you shouldnt have a problem m8, panthers and veileds are "the easiest to breed" as ive constantly read :D (i have a read more or less every day about chams)

i have been told 50g is ideal weight, i have been told 65g is ideal weight, but i have also read 70g is ideal weight. people have different methods when it comes to breeding.

above all your female should be healthy and in good condition

good luck! ;)
Personally I have waited until my panthers were in the 70grams and above weight range to breed them. A 50 gram female seems so small to me and just didn't seem possible to breed her even though she was receptive. However man people just wait until they are a year old. By them most are pretty well grown. females at least, and you won't be taking away as much of the calcium they need for their bone growth. 30g is about average for a female panther in the 6 month range I suppose. I've had some that were far larger and some that were even smaller than that during the 6 month mark. They all grow differently. Once thing I can tell you is that every single chameleon that I have gotten right before the summer and that has grown up out doors for 4 or 5 months before Michigan's winter has grown alot faster then my chams that are housed indoors in the earlier stages of their lives.

Thanks, it is about to enter into winter here in S.A but I would still worry about leaving them out for most of the summer (panthers are not something you come across often). So I take her out everyday when the sun is out for atleast 5 hours or more.
I hope she starts growing alot faster now, my friends 2 females are alot bigger than my female.
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