Rip Little one


New Member
Little Midna passed this morning after being constipated and eggbounds, it is thought her digestive system just stopped working which stopped her laying eggs and made her too unwell for surgery. Didnt know chameleon death could be so traumatic, wish i could of saved her cant help feeling guilt for not being with her in her final moments, sadly she was staying at the vets so I couldnt do anything :(


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I know just how you are feeling. My dear Amy was rushed to the vets a couple of weeks ago and the vet put her to sleep the following morning. I said my goodbyes that night, as I knew deep down that she wouldn't be coming home again.

You don't realise quite how attached you are until they are gone. It does get a little easier though, but it takes a while. She is now at the Rainbow Bridge with all the other little green angels that have left us too soon.
So sorry for your loss. I know your feeling having just lost one recently also just hang in there and try not to let this discourage you from the hobby. Just Know your little girl is in a better place and feels no more pain.
Thank you, I think it has made me think twice about keeping a female chameleon, i still have my male cham but right now im too scared to keep another female because they are so delicate. Everyone on this forum has helped so much, its so good to speak with other people who understand how it feels to lose one.
We do understand, most of us have lost one or more of our beloved chams. i am really sorry you lost your little girl.
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