Sad Cham follow up


New Member
Incase anyone is unfamiliar with what was my fun filled Labor Day weekend,

Bottom line is my baby veiled male wasn't eating for a week. Took him to the vet, he didn't test him because he is so little (the scale picked him upat 1g.) And there wasn't any fecal matter. He prescribed some medicine mixed in with a supplement to force feed him.

1. any tips on trying to feed via needleless syringe? (It breaks my heart.)
2. Right now outside he is only getting morning sunlight and I know he should have more than that. I live in an apartment so my porch is the only place he can naturally get sun. What would be the best lighting schedule? (Leave him outside during mornings, bring him in under his lamp/ all outside/ all inside?)

***His color has perked up since being outside, but he's still sleeping on and off during the day so we're not out of the woods just yet. Keep your fingers crossed, please!
1. any tips on trying to feed via needleless syringe? (It breaks my heart.)
2. Right now outside he is only getting morning sunlight and I know he should have more than that. I live in an apartment so my porch is the only place he can naturally get sun. What would be the best lighting schedule? (Leave him outside during mornings, bring him in under his lamp/ all outside/ all inside?)

***His color has perked up since being outside, but he's still sleeping on and off during the day so we're not out of the woods just yet. Keep your fingers crossed, please!
Force feeding is not fun at first. Hold him firmly but gently, and gently pull down on the loose skin under his jaw. He doesn't want to open his mouth, but you are stronger. Maybe get someone else to help at first, so it's easier to stop him struggling. You may find he settles down and learns to tolerate it.
A few hours a day of natural light is good, depending on outside temps though........
If the medication is a liquid, you can try and get some in his mouth at the same time he shoots for a cricket or something. Some users on here have tried that and it worked out for them.

Edit: Wait, never mind. I read wrong. Sorry.

He might take a lunge or two at you while force feeding him. If I were you i'd wear gloves just to be on the safe side. ;)
Thanks! So far my roommate is holding him while I'm trying to gfeed. Little bugger can clamp down pretty decent for being so tiny. And our outside temps are around 80 give or take a few degrees.
be very patient. give very very small increments. give the cham sometime to swallow. its best to administer throughout the day versus all at one feeding.

a cham that you see the cham drink at all?

id personally inject feeders at that age.
Pilot: I'd love to try that it's just he hasn't been eating at all. I offered crickets to no avail. The medicine is a powder with the food that I have to mix with water. I'm expecting some silkworms so hopefully he'll want those, if not the vet said cut some up and put the medicine on it and then offer or force that, whichever is necessary
You can use a credit card to pry his mouth open and put the food on the tip of the card. So sorry he's not doing well:( I'm routing for him. Good luck
I never see him drink, but I mist heavily and then let him be. He's never shown signs of dehydration and his eyes are good. The doctor was joking at how strong of a grip he had and said so far his colors, eyes, everything else is fine except for the fact he's not eating and so he sleeps on and off during the day
Thanks! So far my roommate is holding him while I'm trying to gfeed. Little bugger can clamp down pretty decent for being so tiny. And our outside temps are around 80 give or take a few degrees.

I'd leave him outside as long as the sun is shining long as he's secure and he can get to some shade........:)
Thanks, guys! I'm rooting for him, too. Lord knows I've been watching like a mother hen. The credit card seems to be a good idea.. So far I've either been breaking a Qtip in half or using a toothpick vertically so it's not pointy.
How would I inject feeders? As in with a syringe? (If so where so I get one? Mine is needleless) And so far he's not eating. I'm really praying the silkworms get here tomorrow. Even if I put the medicine on the silkworms it'd be better so at least he's getting some actual food and not just supplements.
I do from about a week ago if you'd like. The only one I have since he was sick he was in his travel case at the vets :/ I can post any of them, though.

This is my little guy who couldn't quite figure out how to get out of the cup.


I think this was about the third day I'd noticed he wasn't eating.

**** finally got my new screen cage from LLL the day after so he's not in this one anymore.
How would I inject feeders? As in with a syringe? (If so where so I get one? Mine is needleless) And so far he's not eating. I'm really praying the silkworms get here tomorrow. Even if I put the medicine on the silkworms it'd be better so at least he's getting some actual food and not just supplements.

I get mine at tractor trailer supply feed store
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