Sad news


Its been a rough weekend. My first egg started hatching, but unfortunately didnt survive the hatching process. I know it was a chance, but it still hurts as if I did something wrong. I still have Starburst at 9 weeks and doing good, even with our struggles.

I will be getting a live baby/juvenile now. I have the option to get it from the same breeder as the egg, but was wondering if there were recommendations of others. I am hoping to do this within the week.
Its been a rough weekend. My first egg started hatching, but unfortunately didnt survive the hatching process. I know it was a chance, but it still hurts as if I did something wrong. I still have Starburst at 9 weeks and doing good, even with our struggles.

I will be getting a live baby/juvenile now. I have the option to get it from the same breeder as the egg, but was wondering if there were recommendations of others. I am hoping to do this within the week.
So egg sales are highly controversial in the hobby for exactly this reason. As you have seen with your other hatchling they are extremely hard to take care of the first few months. This is when they are at their most fragile and honestly the slightest thing can cause major issues and failure to thrive. For example I am over 5 years into this hobby and there is no way I would ever take on an egg much less a hatchling. I have seen how bad it can go and while I feel I have the experience and knowledge for this I simply will not risk it.

I am not sure where you got your egg from but in my opinion I would go with a breeder that is very well known in the hobby for producing healthy babies. These breeders do not sell them and ship them unless they are a minimum of 3 months old and doing well.

My top breeders that I would buy from without hesitation are...
Kammerflage Kreations.
Chromatic Chameleons.

With any of these 4 you will get a healthy chameleon.
So egg sales are highly controversial in the hobby for exactly this reason. As you have seen with your other hatchling they are extremely hard to take care of the first few months. This is when they are at their most fragile and honestly the slightest thing can cause major issues and failure to thrive. For example I am over 5 years into this hobby and there is no way I would ever take on an egg much less a hatchling. I have seen how bad it can go and while I feel I have the experience and knowledge for this I simply will not risk it.

I am not sure where you got your egg from but in my opinion I would go with a breeder that is very well known in the hobby for producing healthy babies. These breeders do not sell them and ship them unless they are a minimum of 3 months old and doing well.

My top breeders that I would buy from without hesitation are...
Kammerflage Kreations.
Chromatic Chameleons.

With any of these 4 you will get a healthy chameleon.
I know better now. We have talked quite a few times. I just know I want to give a great life to a chameleon. I have found a love for them. If I had known better in the beginning it would have been a different journey. But I am also grateful of my journey because I have learned so much.
I know better now. We have talked quite a few times. I just know I want to give a great life to a chameleon. I have found a love for them. If I had known better in the beginning it would have been a different journey. But I am also grateful of my journey because I have learned so much.
May I ask why you are getting a second so quickly? Sometimes it can be better to settle in and learn with one first. They each have very different personalities and it can be helpful to get the basics down before you add a second.
I cant explain it emotionally, but it is just a feeling of wholeness. This journey is a way for me to heal and feel positiveness in my life. Something to strive for.
I cant explain it emotionally, but it is just a feeling of wholeness. This journey is a way for me to heal and feel positiveness in my life. Something to strive for.
Just know with one there is a certain amount of stress... as you get more this stress builds when you are new. I rushed into my second and was very ill prepared for what I dealt with. It put me on a path of waiting quite a long time before I tried again. There is just a lot to keeping chameleons that you do not think about until you experience it or have learned about it. I have seen people rush into it and become extremely overwhelmed. I just like to give the feedback of this.
Just know with one there is a certain amount of stress... as you get more this stress builds when you are new. I rushed into my second and was very ill prepared for what I dealt with. It put me on a path of waiting quite a long time before I tried again. There is just a lot to keeping chameleons that you do not think about until you experience it or have learned about it. I have seen people rush into it and become extremely overwhelmed. I just like to give the feedback of this.
I understand. I appreciate all your advice. Your kindness is beyond measure.
Personally, I don't think chameleons are a good way to heal from anything. The stress of just owning one has probably taken a year or two off my life.
Boy can I relate to the stress of owning one and what it can do to you especially if you are an over thinker like I am. While I think that it gave me a wonderful way to focus my energy and begin something new the first 2 years were a roller coaster of emotion. And now I am going through another phase of cham keeping that is unknown to me with Beman being almost 6 years old. Having an old cham and watching the progression as he changes with old age. So now again I am thrown into stress because I am in uncharted territory that I have not experienced before.
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