New Member
Trevor, I can't speak for the chameleon industry but I would imagine it's pretty much the same as what I've dealt with. In the tropical fish import bis you really need to have someone introduce you to the right people. For instance I had a friend who owns the largest aquarium shop in the north east. Pete Mang is his name, he introduced me to the group of importers he goes through in South Florida who in return gave me all the email contact info for the exporters in South America. Funny thing about one down there has a phone but everyone has an email addy....go figure
No offense to any one here, but fish people seem to be a little more willing to help in this regard. I guess it's because there is so much competition that having a new guy trying the bis out isn't going to effect them one way or the other. Not to mention the market for aquarium fish is quit a bit larger than the chameleon market.