Seizures in dogs

I'd say the fact that she threw a seizure for the vet is a great sign that this is going to resolve itself nicely and fairly quickly. Usually when there's an intermittent health issue, it takes months to even get the doctor to understand what is really happening.

I hope it all works out and I'm keeping you and her in my thoughts.
Well, the vets said they don't think it's seizures. They think she is in extreme pain (back or neck.) I suppose it make sense because she mainly only does it after jumping on or off of something. They sent us home with pain meds and muscle relaxers and instructions to keep her on 'bed-rest.' If she doesn't improve in a week we are going to take x-rays and go from there.
hmmm....have they suggested possibly taking her to a chiropractor or acupuncturist? I had a pug with spinal problems and acupuncture did a lot for her. If you think it's worth trying check for a Veterinary Acupuncturist in your area. The Veterinarian who treated our dog is certified for both Veterinary Acupuncture and Veterinary Chiropractic. I suspect that's a common cross over.
Wow - glad she performed at the vet because what you described sounded like classic seizures! But that could make sense too if it's severe enough. Your poor dog, I hope the meds help her feel better! At least that's an easy fix. ;)
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