Share pics of your panther cham :)


Established Member
Does anyone on here breed any chams related to Kammer's Glorfindel? I think he's beautiful. I really want a blue/purple bar on blue body cham in the future. I love the look of the really deep cobalt blue stripes on a cham.
I've seen a few ambanja, ambilobe crosses that have made this kind of cham, but then some nosey be chams are just very deep blue.

If anyone has panther chams related to Glorfindel, or that are blue on blue, or purple barred please share your pics. I would LOVE to see. :)

Here's my lil guy...
He's a blue bar ambilobe, sired by Cham Company's Bonaroo. He's about 6 months now. (Spectrum)


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Mufasa (passed away in December 2012)


Sid, Mufasa's oldest son (passed in April 2013)


Jr, Mufasa's son 4 1/2 years old now


Hendershot 4 years old

Beautiful, beautiful boys here. I want to share! Unfortunately Mr. Skallywagz (aka Pascal) is gearing up for a shed and looks a bit milky right now. As soon as he does I'll be posting :p
Blue on Blue

Here is my little Ambanja boy I just got from the Kammer's sired by "Grimbold" at 3.5 months old!! Starting to look blue on blue as you're describing.:D
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I am absolutely LOVING the pictures you guys are sharing! Thanks :)
All of your chams are beautiful! :)

jannb your chams are so cool looking. Thank you for sharing. Hendershot's blue is stunningly bright, gorgeous.

I like blue if you guys can't tell. lol. I love all of the colors, and actually want to have all the different chams in the future, but blue, naturally, on any animal is amazing to me.

Sniper is cute. Looks like he'll have cool colors since he's only 3.5 months and is so tinted. lol... What kind is he?

ChamCapture... Your ambanja is adorable. lol. Grimbold is very colorful. No matter how your lil guy turns out he is gonna be awesome looking, that's for sure. Post a new pic in a few months if you remmeber. :)

Renley is cool! His colors are all in their own place, not much overlapping one color blends to the next really smoothly, that's definitley different. Nice name btw.

Jimbo has a lot of VIBRANT color for a 6 month old! wow. He's a red bar ambilobe? He could almost pass for a tamatave. I want one of those some day too. :) I really just want em all I guess. lol.

Neonugz... is King Louis (great name btw) by any chance sired by cham company's bonaroo? His patterning is soo similar to my cham's!
Def gotta show me how ziggy turns out. It's amazing how they start out so brownish and then they're all so different looking just a few months down the road.

Thank you everyone for sharing, I really love seeing all of the crazy color combinations there are. :) I'm so happy with my one lil guy right now, but I'm getting so sucked into it. I'm definitely gonna be a full blown cham hobbyist in the future. I think I'm just a bit too excited tho. lol.
Just wanted to say cuz i ddnt b4... Mufasa and Sid are so unique. Are Sid and Jr brothers? I assume not, but thought I'd ask. bc there's such a difference between coloring. I'm very interested in coloring along family trees.
Just wanted to say cuz i ddnt b4... Mufasa and Sid are so unique. Are Sid and Jr brothers? I assume not, but thought I'd ask. bc there's such a difference between coloring. I'm very interested in coloring along family trees.

Thank you. Sid and Jr are borthers.....same mom and dad just from different clutches.
Hey, he/she asked. Don't hate the player, hate the game! :D

Tomato the tamatave:




Walker the ambanja:




Broadway the ambilobe:




Jimbo has a lot of VIBRANT color for a 6 month old! wow. He's a red bar ambilobe? He could almost pass for a tamatave. I want one of those some day too. :) I really just want em all I guess. lol.


Thanks you! His sire is Loza from krammer flage kreations. Loza is a green and yellow bodied blue bar that shows some very light red almost pink bars when fired up on this lower half of his lateral line. I cant wait to see how jimbo turns out! Even if he doesn't look like his father I'll be happy!
Here are Bagheera and Azteca. Bagheera is the BB Ambilobe male at 1.5 years old. Azteca is the female Ambilobe at 1 year old


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maxttu... BEAUTIFUL chams! Tomato is so insane looking! Walker is exactly the kind I want in the future. Do you know who his sire was? Is he completely ambanja? Broadway is very cool looking with the red on green. :)

Tanner... Yeah I think that even when we want or expect a certain coloration we are overly pleased in the end with whatever we wind up with. Sounds like his dad is unique that's def. a plus for you. lol That's crazy that his dad is a blue bar and he has such vibrant reds, maybe mom was a red bar. lol

CamiGirl89... Who is Bagheera's sire? Nice coloring on him. Azteca is pretty cool, cool name too. Do you breed them?
Here's Dexter. He was confused before....having both shades of red and blue on his bars. Looks like he's settling in on red now though.
maxttu... BEAUTIFUL chams! Tomato is so insane looking! Walker is exactly the kind I want in the future. Do you know who his sire was? Is he completely ambanja? Broadway is very cool looking with the red on green. :)

Tanner... Yeah I think that even when we want or expect a certain coloration we are overly pleased in the end with whatever we wind up with. Sounds like his dad is unique that's def. a plus for you. lol That's crazy that his dad is a blue bar and he has such vibrant reds, maybe mom was a red bar. lol

CamiGirl89... Who is Bagheera's sire? Nice coloring on him. Azteca is pretty cool, cool name too. Do you breed them?

I def agree with that! I'll just have to wait and see, sometimes his bars are purple so who knows how he'll turn out!
maxttu... BEAUTIFUL chams! Tomato is so insane looking! Walker is exactly the kind I want in the future. Do you know who his sire was? Is he completely ambanja? Broadway is very cool looking with the red on green. :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Walker is a Ranger boy from member Texas Ranger. He is an ambanja. :)
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