Share pics of your panther cham :)

Hey Snootchie. lol.
Dexter's looking great. Who knows... my guys been changing a lot too.He started out with a green body, turquoise bars, and red & yellow spots, now almost all of him is a bright blue and then he has deep orange markings everywhere. I think it's weird for an ambilobe tho. lol. Who knows how they'll all turn out.

Tanner... if his bars turn out to be purple that will be unique. Like I said... it will be amazing no matter what. lol

Maxttu... You're very welcome. lol After what I'm seeing I think that what I'm looking for is probably a blue ambanja.

Shaunaroxanne... Thank you soo much for sharing!

GabeCastro... Icy Boy is cool! His bars have red & blue! That's sweet.
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Snootchie... LOL

Ataraxia... He's amazing! love the yellow/orange body and his stripes are very vibrant. Thy go from green to deep blue to purplish. wow. he a bb ambilobe?
Here is a updated pic of Snipers colors right after a morning shed! no color alterations were done just made the brackground black and white. My grandma is pretty awesome.

Here is a updated pic of Snipers colors right after a morning shed! no color alterations were done just made the brackground black and white. My grandma is pretty awesome.

I love it!!! LOL, such an awesome picture! so funny. My grams love my cham too.
Here are my guys and girls:

Daedalus (nosy faly x ambanja), 3 years old next month.


Azura (nosy be x sambava x ambanja), 2 years old this past February.


Peony, one of their two daughters.


And Castiel (ambilobe), about 1.5 years old.


I have no idea what's up with these hosting sites and the image sizes they're giving me. Sorry if they're too large!
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blue on blue

Does anyone on here breed any chams related to Kammer's Glorfindel? I think he's beautiful. I really want a blue/purple bar on blue body cham in the future. I love the look of the really deep cobalt blue stripes on a cham.
I've seen a few ambanja, ambilobe crosses that have made this kind of cham, but then some nosey be chams are just very deep blue.

If anyone has panther chams related to Glorfindel, or that are blue on blue, or purple barred please share your pics. I would LOVE to see. :)

Here's my lil guy...
He's a blue bar ambilobe, sired by Cham Company's Bonaroo. He's about 6 months now. (Spectrum)

Check out Texas rangers male Ranger. I got my Boy R.J. (Ranger JR) from him and his bars are blue, red, or purple at times. His body is blue and sometimes green.
Here is my new Ambi (Un-named)4 months. He is from Peliliu which is a boy of Kammers Son Tiger. Thanks to Steve "THe Jungle Panther" for this guy!


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Here my 3 month old ambilobe (Taz) I just got him yesterday morning. And today he just ate his first crickets :)


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Awesome photos! No problem, the size is fine. lol. They're all beautiful. :)

I love the name Krayola for any chameleon. He's very cool.

Awesome colors for his age. he's going to be amazing!

Blue Thunder, probably one of the coolest names I've heard. His coloring goes w the name perfectly. I'm lovin him.

wow, nice colors on him too! I want a yellow/red one at some point.

Congrats! That's exciting. He's so small :)
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