She hates me


New Member
Okay so I've had my little girl for a little over a week now, and for the first time today she actually tried to bite me when I went to take her out. I don't understand why she hates me more and not less like it should be. Because at first she was a little skiddish when I took her out but she wasn't mean, just a little scared like most chams are. I thought she'd get used to me after awhile but then this happened today. I treat her very well, I actually just got done feeding her, her temps are always low 80's except at night which is at 60's, her humidity is fine as well. I really don't understand why she's liking me less instead of more. Any tips? :'(
A week really isn't enough time for them to adjust and the more you try to force her to be handled the more afraid of you she is going to be. It was recommended to me by 2 different breeders to give them a few weeks (3-4) to adjust...that does not mean you cant try hand feeding or other small things but patience is key with these guys. They really don't like to be handled so the less you "bother" them the better, there are exceptions though :) Give it time, search "Handling" on the forums and there are all kinds of ideas, you just have to give her time.
A week really isn't enough time for them to adjust and the more you try to force her to be handled the more afraid of you she is going to be. It was recommended to me by 2 different breeders to give them a few weeks (3-4) to adjust...that does not mean you cant try hand feeding or other small things but patience is key with these guys. They really don't like to be handled so the less you "bother" them the better, there are exceptions though :) Give it time, search "Handling" on the forums and there are all kinds of ideas, you just have to give her time.
Yea I've heard a lot of different things when it comes to handling. Like some say wait a month or two, and others say to just start right away to get them used to you. I guess it's just different from cham to cham, so I'll try the waiting approach and see how that goes, since the other one obviously didn't work out so well, lol. It just sucks cause I love holding her!
I never forced my chameleon out of his cage. I always waited for him to make the first move. After some patience, he doesn't feel threatened by me anymore, and will now dart towards my hand when I open the cage.
I never forced my chameleon out of his cage. I always waited for him to make the first move. After some patience, he doesn't feel threatened by me anymore, and will now dart towards my hand when I open the cage.
Wow, I can't wait for mine to do that! I seriously wanted to cry when mine puffed up and went to bite me today :'( How long did it take for yours to come to you?
There are a ton of different opinions on everything related to chams lol it really is a unique experience...I just try to look at it from thier point of view...tiny little cham, enclosed space, large scary monster on the outside reaching and grabbing at me...I would bite it too! haha I tried to force Claude once and he leaped off his branch into the side of the cage and splatted on the cage bottom! I was traumatized and so was he! So I started hand feeding and letting his cage door be open while I was sitting in the room, with a plant by the door. He slowly started coming to the door, then eventually out. He fell once, which I was his "savior" held him for a bit, then put him right back. I think then he "knew" I was not going to hurt him, and now he runs right to me when I open his cage, he walks all over the house and outside with me...we are like BFF's lmao They have to "trust" you, learn that you mean good things - food, outside time etc. I am starting over with my Salvador, and let me tell you...his personality is TOTALLY different from Claude...I may get a bite or two yet from this little monster! :rolleyes::eek:
There are a ton of different opinions on everything related to chams lol it really is a unique experience...I just try to look at it from thier point of view...tiny little cham, enclosed space, large scary monster on the outside reaching and grabbing at me...I would bite it too! haha I tried to force Claude once and he leaped off his branch into the side of the cage and splatted on the cage bottom! I was traumatized and so was he! So I started hand feeding and letting his cage door be open while I was sitting in the room, with a plant by the door. He slowly started coming to the door, then eventually out. He fell once, which I was his "savior" held him for a bit, then put him right back. I think then he "knew" I was not going to hurt him, and now he runs right to me when I open his cage, he walks all over the house and outside with me...we are like BFF's lmao They have to "trust" you, learn that you mean good things - food, outside time etc. I am starting over with my Salvador, and let me tell you...his personality is TOTALLY different from Claude...I may get a bite or two yet from this little monster! :rolleyes::eek:
lol! Yea I've heard that hand feeding helps, but I find it kinda hard when I feed her live crickets and they just jump out of my hand.. lol And she's completley terrified of the outside, so I feel like she thinks I just bring bad things instead of good, which is probably why she freaked on me today actually..
Wow, I can't wait for mine to do that! I seriously wanted to cry when mine puffed up and went to bite me today :'( How long did it take for yours to come to you?

About a month. Just look for the signs. Mine always climbed onto the door of the cage when he wanted out. Start with hand-feeding. Associate yourself with food. Also, when she does come around, make sure it's a good experience for her. Try taking her outside.
lol! Yea I've heard that hand feeding helps, but I find it kinda hard when I feed her live crickets and they just jump out of my hand.. lol And she's completley terrified of the outside, so I feel like she thinks I just bring bad things instead of good, which is probably why she freaked on me today actually..

If you hold the cricket by one of their back legs they will wiggle around and freak out. Chams are attracted to movement!
Try putting yourself in the Chams position, big person zoning in on you haha. Porbably thinks your trying to eat him, especially since it's just been a week.

Give it some more time, free ranging is a good way of encouraging your cham into thinking "this is good for me" (you taking her out of her cage that is).

At least this is what I've read in lots and lots of forum user posts. :D
Try putting yourself in the Chams position, big person zoning in on you haha. Porbably thinks your trying to eat him, especially since it's just been a week.

Give it some more time, free ranging is a good way of encouraging your cham into thinking "this is good for me" (you taking him out of her cage that is).

At least this is what I've read in lots and lots of forum user posts. :D
Well thanks! I think I'll give her a few weeks by herself and then start hand feeding her and see how it goes. :D
give it some more time as others have stated and try this then: open the door, put a large potted plant outside the door and see if she will come out of the cage onto the plant. If she will, then slowly approach her from the front(not behind or over her back) extend your hand under her chin and try and lift up,even if she flares up and see if you can get her to crawl onto your hand. You can always try a glove. I did in the beginning. I used a bright green glove. I thought maybe my cham would see it as a big green leaf!!! lol! Hey, it worked for me!!!
give it some more time as others have stated and try this then: open the door, put a large potted plant outside the door and see if she will come out of the cage onto the plant. If she will, then slowly approach her from the front(not behind or over her back) extend your hand under her chin and try and lift up,even if she flares up and see if you can get her to crawl onto your hand. You can always try a glove. I did in the beginning. I used a bright green glove. I thought maybe my cham would see it as a big green leaf!!! lol! Hey, it worked for me!!!
I'll have to try the plant thing! I've been leaving her door open lately just cause, but having a plant there would definitely help! And I hand-fed her for the first time today and it was so cool! She actually ate from my hand! When I first put my hand in, she backed up and looked like she was going to flare up again but then she saw the cricket xD Hopefully she'll start to see that my hand's not a bad thing anymore soon! :D Thanks for the tips everyone!!
my friend has a veiled and its the same way. i think its just hereditary. of course all chameleons dont like to be handled, veiled's especially dont like being bothered. we get my buddies out and it bites and bites and bites, we put him on the palm tree for a bit, he calms down and then we are able to pick him up. usually ill gently sooth them by stroking them lightly. HA! but seriously, and once hes calm and outside they are wonderful, veiled's especially are just beautiful. one they hit real sunlight they calm right down, we can kiss my buddies veiled right on the lips at that point :p
Yea I've heard a lot of different things when it comes to handling. Like some say wait a month or two, and others say to just start right away to get them used to you. I guess it's just different from cham to cham, so I'll try the waiting approach and see how that goes, since the other one obviously didn't work out so well, lol. It just sucks cause I love holding her!

ve never forced any of my chams to be held, they choose to come to me by pure want..i never held them untill they wanted to come to me..i did use some trick to gain trust tho

1. try offering water by a small eye slow and paitient

2. offer food by hand, also if they do take by hand, try making it further away, and put one hand closer to them to cohearse them to use yout hand\arm to get to the food range\open the cage door for about 2-3 hours a day when you have time to work around them or be on the computer near the cage..

one day you may get this..
my friend has a veiled and its the same way. i think its just hereditary. of course all chameleons dont like to be handled, veiled's especially dont like being bothered. we get my buddies out and it bites and bites and bites, we put him on the palm tree for a bit, he calms down and then we are able to pick him up. usually ill gently sooth them by stroking them lightly. HA! but seriously, and once hes calm and outside they are wonderful, veiled's especially are just beautiful. one they hit real sunlight they calm right down, we can kiss my buddies veiled right on the lips at that point :p
Mine is so strange, the two times I did take her outside, she seemed to hate it and turned a really dark green and froze. So outside time isn't really a fun activity for her yet I guess, lol. And she also hates when I try to pet her, she moves away as far as possible. I'll try again later and see if she likes it when she trusts me more!
ve never forced any of my chams to be held, they choose to come to me by pure want..i never held them untill they wanted to come to me..i did use some trick to gain trust tho

1. try offering water by a small eye slow and paitient

2. offer food by hand, also if they do take by hand, try making it further away, and put one hand closer to them to cohearse them to use yout hand\arm to get to the food range\open the cage door for about 2-3 hours a day when you have time to work around them or be on the computer near the cage..

one day you may get this..
The food offering idea sounds really good! I'll try that when I feed her tomorrow! And I open her cage a lot, so hopefully that helps! And wow, I'm seriously jealous of how much your chams like you.. I can't wait for mine to actually want to be near me, lol.
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