shed problem


New Member
My veiled has had this shed spot for a few months now. Is it something I should be worried about.?
A few months, geee...increase ur humidity around her,she looks gravid also,that don't look right at all...
Ok, I just set the humidifier in the room. I hope this helps. As far as being gravid, I'm not sure. She does have the small bumps in front of her rear legs but they have always been there as long as I can remember.
Yes, I would worry about a spot like that.

Any chance she was burned there? Burned skin can take a very long time to heal. Has she shed and the spot remained? A few recommendations - you might increase the overall humidity and give her access to very long, warm mistings a few times a day if you haven't tried that yet. Retained shed is often a humidity issue, but can also be a sign of infection, injury, or a nutritional issue. Don't pick at it or try to peel it off. For other reptiles, warm soaking in water might be recommended, but for chameleons, I am less sure how helpful this would be. May be a "last resort" option and can be very stressful for the chameleon. If you try bumping the humidity and warm misting but it still doesn't loosen, I would go to a vet.
Ok, I just set the humidifier in the room. I hope this helps. As far as being gravid, I'm not sure. She does have the small bumps in front of her rear legs but they have always been there as long as I can remember.

Do you have a laying bin set up for her? She does look plump.
Humidifier is only gonna help u not the cham so much...u might breathing better for ur nose,I would suggest a 30 minute minimum shower time to see if that patch of skin will fall out on its own,I shower with my cham so I can feel if the water drop splashing if its too hard on the cham skin,luke warm water indirectly splashed thru ur back or on the wall so it won't. Be too much pressure on her I will also use a blowdryer in lower heat setting gently blow her dry,then repeat the shower later on
again .....if that skin shed doesn't come off,then u might have a serious skin problem,take her to a skin disease chameleon specialist vet,see if they can give u some topical medication n update us in the forum again...good luck to get that thing off .
I have seen this happen with chameleons before. I was confused the first time too. It's usually covering a burn or wound. It should come off on its own, but Baths will help it come off faster. I would like to point out that when it comes off it may reappear within a week to cover the burn or wound until it is fully healed.

I would give a bath with Zilla -Shed Ease ( and a Dechlorinator ) . Or if your chameleon hates baths I would mix it into a spray bottle and mist her with it three times a day.

Here is some info on Shed Ease

Shed Ease

  • Easier shedding plus a healthier new skin
  • Treats imbalances caused by poor health, low humidity
  • Twenty minute bath completes shedding for most reptiles

Like a spa treatment for a skin-shedding pet

Even in the healthiest terrariums, reptiles can have more trouble shedding their skin than they would in the wild. Shed-Ease makes the process much easier, thanks to a rich formula of aloe vera and other emollients that soften the old skin and add healthy luster to the new. After 20 minutes in a bath of Shed-Ease and water, most old skins slide off easily. Works even for reptiles suffering from stress, poor health, improper diet or a lack of humidity.

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@RedsPantherChameleons u sounds like a beauty salon Spa pro or a Zilla products distributor....very Nice....what are the ingredients on the shed ease besides the aloe vera???

Thank You, I unfortunately do not get paid for my Zilla knowledge .

The Ingredients are Deionized Water, Aloe Vera, Salt, Glycerol, Potassium Sorbate, and Sodium Benzoate.

I have heard of owners using raw aloe vera in a bath for their chameleons, but I prefer using a measurable method such as Shed Ease. Plus you can use shed ease in a spray bottle if you have a stressed out chameleon.
Have u try the shed ease on ur red panther chameleon before?also what do u think that patch of white skin mark came from? Like the pineapple lady say it can also be a sign of infection, injury, or a nutritional issue. Does shed ease can ease that issues too?Don't mean to try to question u like my ex,as long u can answer my questions:)
This is how she looks now. The first pic was on Dec 12th. The shed is showing signs of coming off towards the front. I'm thinking it is a humidity issue. Very dry in house when the heat is on. It is fan forced hot air. I will up my misting per day and keep the humidifier on. There was a slight grey spot where that shed is. Maybe she did get a burn. I sure hope not though. Does she look gravid in this picture? Is there anyway I can incorporate an egg laying bin into this setup or will I have to do something else. Thank you for all your comments and help.
Have u try the shed ease on ur red panther chameleon before?also what do u think that patch of white skin mark came from? Like the pineapple lady say it can also be a sign of infection, injury, or a nutritional issue. Does shed ease can ease that issues too?Don't mean to try to question u like my ex,as long u can answer my questions:)

  1. Yes I have used it on Mushu ( the Red Panther lol ) and many of my other chameleons.
  2. It's usually a burn, wound, or missing scale ( I have seen this type of white scabbing before like I said in my first reply)
  3. most infections will be dark in color and cause swelling. Injury (wound I spoke of ) Nutritional issue ( if its external it will help , read my first reply)
  4. Shed ease will not hurt if it is infected ( but I don't think it is) , It will help the skin heal with the Aloe Vera
I don't mind the questions as long as your nice about it.
That is 50 days with that patch..seems pretty odd to me ,you can try to put a laying bin along with a branch sit in the medium inside of the buckets,as soon she start pacing around the bottom cage,its probably the time for her to lay her eggs,you can also put lots real plants in there to increase the humidity just in case u wanna give that a try:)
This is how she looks now. The first pic was on Dec 12th. The shed is showing signs of coming off towards the front. I'm thinking it is a humidity issue. Very dry in house when the heat is on. It is fan forced hot air. I will up my misting per day and keep the humidifier on. There was a slight grey spot where that shed is. Maybe she did get a burn. I sure hope not though. Does she look gravid in this picture? Is there anyway I can incorporate an egg laying bin into this setup or will I have to do something else. Thank you for all your comments and help.View attachment 151050 View attachment 151049

See that indention in the middle of the white spot? It looks like a dark grey dot. That's a missing scale, when the white scab comes off you will see a pink new scar there . If its not completely healed the white scab will come back in a few days.
Based on the first picture there may be two.

I've seen it take 90 days to heal.
Have I being nice so far,I did write that on my reply so you wont think Im question u n being rude:)so you are highly recommend that product for@onefastzt240 maybe you can also let him know about the questions he just ask,the stage is all urs now have fun :)
I keep a lay bin in my female's cage at all times. I have a 12" planter filled with washed, damp play sand. You also need more greenery in her cage. The vine leading up to her basking light is too close, that may be how she got burned. If she has had that patch of shed for a month I would take her to a vet. Shed can hide an infected wound which could lead to an internal infection.
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