Shedding Problems


New Member
This is an ongoing thing that I can't seem to sort out. Isambard sheds fine except around his feet. He last shed about two weeks ago but has recently started wandering around his cage and scraping his feet on the vines like he has an itch he can't scratch! Last time he shed I upped his misting but that still didn't help, this happens everytime he sheds :( any ideas on what I can do the next time he sheds?

Cage Info:

* Cage Type - All Screen 24 x 24 x 48
* Lighting - Standard spot bulb for basking and reptisun 5.0 for UV. On for 12 hours a day
* Temperature - 90 Basking down to around 68 at the bottom. Use a digital thermometer/hydrometer to measure these temps
* Humidity - 50% this is maintained naturally I don't really need to mist for humidity purposes.
* Plants - Live plants, pothos, tree mallow and Camellia
* Location - Located in corner of my room on a chest of drawers so it's high up, Isambard is always above my head height. I'm in my room most of the time but as he was raised from a baby in a high traffic area this doesn't bother him. Just not allowed to look at him too much lol

Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - Male veiled chameleon who's 7 months old. Have had him since he was just over 3 months old
* Handling - Have only held him twice since I got him
* Feeding - Dubia Roaches. I offer 6 medium ones every other day and he eats all of them most of the time, sometimes he'll leave one. Gutloaded with highly nutritious roach diet made by the breeder and with oranges.
* Supplements - A small pinch of nutrabol is offered twice a week. This contains calcium, vitamins and D 3. I believe this is similar to Dr Wheelock's schedule.
* Watering - Mist with pressure sprayer. I keep spraying until he starts opening and closing his mouth, i.e. when the drinking response has kicked in. Yeah I see him drink every day
* Fecal Description - Dark brown to black, not watery at all, he goes about once every other day.. Urates are pure white.

* Current Problem - Problem with shedding round toes.
Veileds shed in sections as they get older. Both of mine do. Just mist him good with some really warm water and that should help it to come off in the next few days. Jann
If the retained shed appears that it may be cutting off circulation to a toe or toes, you could soak his feet in warm water (you holding him in a shallow pan of warm water) to try to loosen the skin. Or use a q-tip and just a little mineral oil or ky on the area.
If its just soles of his feet or otherwise not cutting circulation, I would let him scratch it off and continue with the warm mistings.
If the retained shed appears that it may be cutting off circulation to a toe or toes, you could soak his feet in warm water (you holding him in a shallow pan of warm water) to try to loosen the skin. Or use a q-tip and just a little mineral oil or ky on the area.
If its just soles of his feet or otherwise not cutting circulation, I would let him scratch it off and continue with the warm mistings.

No I don't think it's cutting circulation I think it's just irritating for him. He won't let me near enough to pick him up and put him in water! he hates being handled.

What exactly is mineral oil? we don't use that term in the UK!
Sounds like the skin irritation will be the less than you irritating him with assistance ;)

mineral oil is a lightweight, inexpensive, petroleum-based, low-toxicity, non-reactive, unscented, colourless, general purpose lubricant.
other names for it: Liquidum paraffinum, paraffin oil
and when scents are added it can be marketed as baby oil for diaper rash or as massage oil
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All of your chams at one point will shed and there will be just a little bit of dead skin that takes a day or two longer such as the feet and toes or the tail might shed a little bit after the body. Its normal dont worry about it!!! The skin will come off naturally do not try and pull it off. One of my chams right now has skin on 2 of her toes that is still there a day after the rest of her body shed

If the little bit of skin hanging around is bothering you, just mist a little more the humidity will make the shedding go a lot faster.

If you have a hard time handling your cham a good way to get them used to you is baiting them with a cricket, worm ect, to walk down your arm and out of their cage. It may take a few mins before they will come out and more than likely turn around and walk back in their cage after eating. I have been doing this for arond a month now with my new Veileds and now when i open the cage 3 of the 4 of them come right to the front of the cage and are not afraid to come out. This makes cleaning and checking your cham up close for possible problems very easy.
Sounds like the skin irritation will be the less than you irritating him with assistance ;)

mineral oil is a lightweight, inexpensive, petroleum-based, low-toxicity, non-reactive, unscented, colourless, general purpose lubricant.
other names for it: Liquidum paraffinum, paraffin oil
and when scents are added it can be marketed as baby oil for diaper rash or as massage oil

Oh so it's paraffin then, bloody foreigners with ya weird words :rolleyes::p

If you have a hard time handling your cham a good way to get them used to you is baiting them with a cricket, worm ect, to walk down your arm and out of their cage. It may take a few mins before they will come out and more than likely turn around and walk back in their cage after eating. I have been doing this for arond a month now with my new Veileds and now when i open the cage 3 of the 4 of them come right to the front of the cage and are not afraid to come out. This makes cleaning and checking your cham up close for possible problems very easy.

Funnily enough the only two times i've held him have been when i've enticed him out with wax worms. I haven't bought any for him for a while (maybe that's why he's moodier than normal!) so I think i'll get some and try this out. Thanks :)
OK That's the best advice fireball! I just held a roach in on hand and held my other hand out to him, he strolled right onto it, took the roach, chomped it down and went back into his cage! Bribery is obviously the way forward :D
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