Shedding: tail part won't come off. Should I worry?


New Member
Hey guys, first of all, I'd like to thank everyone of you from this forum. The information provided here is just phenomenal and I am definitely a better "father" for my Charmeleon (Yes, that's his name haha).

But now let's talk about my real issue. I got a veiled chameleon a month ago (he was 6 months when I got him according to the reptile shop owner) and he went through his first shedding around 5 days ago. He went through his whole body in about 2 days, but there is a part on his tale (about half of it) that just simply wont come out. I've been misting a lot and many times aiming for his tale to see if it will come out.

I wouldn't be worrying too much, but I remember I saw someone saying in this forum that it could lead to amputation if a part doesn't come out.
Is this true? Should I start worrying?

Thanks again to everyone, and I just want to point out that the reason I didn't use the whole "How to ask for help" format was because most of it would be irrelevant for this particular issue.
A picture paints a thousand words.

If the skin is restricting blood flow then it is an issue, this is to my understanding usually caused by a band of skin remaining rather than half a tails worth.

I can not really say what to do for now other than monitor, it should come off naturally, if after a few more days it has not you could try a warm bath just for the tail.

I would wait for more experienced members to respond also. :~)
here is a picture of him I took earlier today. You can see in his tale the part where it's kinda coming off but it's been like this for a few days now.


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Looks like it is not restricitng blood flow..

I would still leave it for say another 24 hours, keep the humidity up, if it still has not shed, then before handling him grab a 2ltr ice cream tub or suitable water tight container, then add water, I would make the temperature about 35-40C no hotter.

Then, soak his tail, sounds simple, it probably will not be, have fun, I would do it in an empty bath tub..:)
I read somewhere on here that there is an oil like coconut oil or something like that that will free up the dead skin so it will come off.
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