I bought Sherman about two months ago from PetSmart. He is a juvenile veiled chameleon. He was very healthy for the first two months: walking well, hunting food, perching high to sleep, changing colors to match numerous fauna. I noticed a week ago that he wasn't moving much, and was huddled in one spot. Then I noticed that he would get "stuck" in different places in the cage, and that I would have to help him out of that spot. Just this past weekend, I noticed he was on the bottom of his cage, which he never is, and he was having a hard time getting around. When I took him out, I noticed that the bones in his front legs looked bent (or even broken), and he wasn't placing his back legs very well. I knew that MBD was a concern, but I've been giving him calcium-covered crickets a couple times a week, and all day long I've had two UVB 5.0 compact lights shining on him.
I was really concerned that he might not make it, so I had my wife take him to a reptile vet yesterday. The vet looked him over, and didn't believe that he has any broken bones, but an obvious calcium deficiency. He prescribed a minute amount of anti-inflammatory to be taken once every 24 hours, and a mix of carnivore/omnivore supplement that I give him every six hours. The supplement is injected in his mouth with a syringe, and is an additional supplement of calcium in his diet. I read on another post that he should be in a "hospital" cage; essentially remove all the high, vertical items that he could climb and fall from and put a towel in the bed of the cage. So I did that, and he's not necessarily happy, but safer.
I think I've done most of the steps that I could to make him more comfortable and to hopefully help him recover, but I have some additional, specific questions that I haven't been able to find answers to yet.
1. He doesn't appear to be eating, or interested in food, so how do I get him to eat? I'm pretty sure that the supplements I'm giving him aren't the only food he's supposed to be eating.
2. I read in a post that compact UVBs were not recommended; I have a 18 wide x 18 deep x 24 tall terrarium with two Exo Terra UVB100 compact lights, as well as a 75w heat lamp (dark one for the night). Should I switch out my compacts for long tubes? If so, what is optimal for my setup?
3. What else can I do to make him more comfortable, and to help him hopefully recover?
Thanks for the assistance. I've had numerous reptiles in my past, but this is my first experience with an old-world chameleon, and I really want him to be OK.
Chameleon Info:
Sherman - Male, veiled chameleon. I've had him about two months, and he's about 10" long. If I had to guess, he was in the store for maybe two months before that. Maybe he's six months old?
Handling - I probably handled him every other day. He seemed to enjoy being handled. He would volunteer to walk onto my hand as I was feeding him mealworms out of my hand. He's usually bright green when he's being handled.
Feeding - I am feeding him crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. Probably 4-6 crickets a day, 4-6 mealworms a day, and 2 waxworms every 2-3 days. Usually a few crickets in the morning, a few more in the evening, and mealworms/waxworms sporadically throughout the day. I'm using water and Fluker's orange cubes to gut-load the crickets.
Supplements - A couple days a week I've been dusting crickets with ZooMed Repti-Calcium.
Watering - Misting is done with the Exo Terra Monsoon RS400, Every 4 hours for about 8 seconds. I also have an Exo Terra medium waterfall from which I've seen him drinking.
Fecal Description - He's never been tested for parasites. His feces is brown with a small white piece at the end.
History - None that I know of.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Glass cage, 18x18x24 tall. screen top.
Lighting - Exo Terra UVB100 Compact x 2, 0700-2100 each day. Exo Terra Sun Glo 60w day heat lamp, 0700-2100 each day. Zilla night black heat lamp, 75w, 2100-0700.
Temperature - 79deg bottom of cage, 89deg top of cage, humidity 56%. Minimum overnight is 73deg. Measured with in-cage thermometers/hygrometer.
Humidity - Humidity is created by automatic mister.
Plants - No live plants
Placement - Cage is placed in the corner of my study where I work. Low-trafic area, with moderate air flow. Top of the cage is about 4.5' about floor.
Location - I'm located in Currituck, NC, Near the mid-Atlantic coast.
Current Problem - See above.
I was really concerned that he might not make it, so I had my wife take him to a reptile vet yesterday. The vet looked him over, and didn't believe that he has any broken bones, but an obvious calcium deficiency. He prescribed a minute amount of anti-inflammatory to be taken once every 24 hours, and a mix of carnivore/omnivore supplement that I give him every six hours. The supplement is injected in his mouth with a syringe, and is an additional supplement of calcium in his diet. I read on another post that he should be in a "hospital" cage; essentially remove all the high, vertical items that he could climb and fall from and put a towel in the bed of the cage. So I did that, and he's not necessarily happy, but safer.
I think I've done most of the steps that I could to make him more comfortable and to hopefully help him recover, but I have some additional, specific questions that I haven't been able to find answers to yet.
1. He doesn't appear to be eating, or interested in food, so how do I get him to eat? I'm pretty sure that the supplements I'm giving him aren't the only food he's supposed to be eating.
2. I read in a post that compact UVBs were not recommended; I have a 18 wide x 18 deep x 24 tall terrarium with two Exo Terra UVB100 compact lights, as well as a 75w heat lamp (dark one for the night). Should I switch out my compacts for long tubes? If so, what is optimal for my setup?
3. What else can I do to make him more comfortable, and to help him hopefully recover?
Thanks for the assistance. I've had numerous reptiles in my past, but this is my first experience with an old-world chameleon, and I really want him to be OK.
Chameleon Info:
Sherman - Male, veiled chameleon. I've had him about two months, and he's about 10" long. If I had to guess, he was in the store for maybe two months before that. Maybe he's six months old?
Handling - I probably handled him every other day. He seemed to enjoy being handled. He would volunteer to walk onto my hand as I was feeding him mealworms out of my hand. He's usually bright green when he's being handled.
Feeding - I am feeding him crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. Probably 4-6 crickets a day, 4-6 mealworms a day, and 2 waxworms every 2-3 days. Usually a few crickets in the morning, a few more in the evening, and mealworms/waxworms sporadically throughout the day. I'm using water and Fluker's orange cubes to gut-load the crickets.
Supplements - A couple days a week I've been dusting crickets with ZooMed Repti-Calcium.
Watering - Misting is done with the Exo Terra Monsoon RS400, Every 4 hours for about 8 seconds. I also have an Exo Terra medium waterfall from which I've seen him drinking.
Fecal Description - He's never been tested for parasites. His feces is brown with a small white piece at the end.
History - None that I know of.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Glass cage, 18x18x24 tall. screen top.
Lighting - Exo Terra UVB100 Compact x 2, 0700-2100 each day. Exo Terra Sun Glo 60w day heat lamp, 0700-2100 each day. Zilla night black heat lamp, 75w, 2100-0700.
Temperature - 79deg bottom of cage, 89deg top of cage, humidity 56%. Minimum overnight is 73deg. Measured with in-cage thermometers/hygrometer.
Humidity - Humidity is created by automatic mister.
Plants - No live plants
Placement - Cage is placed in the corner of my study where I work. Low-trafic area, with moderate air flow. Top of the cage is about 4.5' about floor.
Location - I'm located in Currituck, NC, Near the mid-Atlantic coast.
Current Problem - See above.