I have been following this tread and so glad to see she laid the eggs! 🥳

I didn’t notice anyone comment on getting her weight regularly. With my female I weigh her weekly once she is done with her receptive period so I know when she becomes gravid (she doesn’t show the typical colors). Normally she will gain 4-5 grams in about a 2 week span (this will be different for other females). This weight gain is dispite her feeding schedule staying the same. My girl is pretty tiny, normally around 55-56g. I have found the reduction in feeders has significantly reduced her clutch size. Last clutch back in January she was max 60g, not sure how many she laid bc I couldn’t find them (bioactive bin). And just for context her very first clutch was 33 eggs.
I’ve read about weighing but I haven’t gotten to the point yet. I don’t want to stress her too much. Her behaviors definitely changed when she became receptive though.
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