She's in laying tank...what now?

Breathe! Trust me the hardest part of all this is the waiting, because we can (and do) drive ourselves batty with what if's?...
My little girl is the biggest pain in the kiester when it comes to laying. Her first set of eggs I couldn't even walk by her cage without her hissing and running for the high ground. The second set I was getting worried because she just sat there watching me, covered the cage, nope, put in a different digging medium, nope. Finally gave up trying to wait her out after 9 days, and started to clean her cage. Darned if the little rat didn't limb right down to her bin and start digging while I had my top half in her cage! :eek: So of course I hurried my but out and left her alone. Nope she climbed right back up to the high ground. gave up and started cleaning again after a few hours. Down the little brat came to dig in the dirt right next to me. Guess she though I was gonna get the good spot!
Lol so after the longest 5 hours of cleaning a cage ever she finally backed herself back into her hole and hissed at me. I'm pretty sure that was a get lost.
Is this normal? Not that I have ever seen, but it goes to show they will do what they want when they want, and we just get to sit back and worry the whole time.
Sounds like you are having "fun" in this situation!! I would just give her a couple days of privacy! Put up some kind of barrier around the sides of the laying bin so when you walk in you she cannot see you! I've seen people mention using a camera of some kind so you can monitor without bothering them, not all of us can afford to buy a video camera so maybe some kind of mirror setup?!? Sounds like its a privacy and patience kind of situation!! I know I wouldn't want someone walking in when I was in labor trying to push out a baby!! Privacy sounds like they key to me!!
Okay so if just leave her 3 days with no interruption, she will dig? I will let her go back home after 4 days if she does nothing:) any more tips?
So frustrating! She just sits there on the stick and thinks ....."should I dig? Or should i keep mummy waiting a few days?" The little rebel! I really wanna let her I just leave her? WHAT IF she's not ready? How will I know?
Hahaha leave her in there :)

I know exactly how you feel but it takes sweet time and a lot of pacing the house before she's done! My girl dug a few test holes first then when she dug her final hole it took her abut 3 days to complete her laying.

Your girl was digging, even if they were test holes. Once they start to dig it's only a matter of time. Just whatever you do, don't disturb her! It's a killer! I know it's hard not to peek but it's worse if you peek all the time and she becomes egg bound.

She won't lay until she is confident that you won't see where the eggs are.
Okay. Previously on the thread, someone told me to dig her a few holes to encourage her. I did that, left her with one small hole....and just caught her filling it in! She actually filled in the hole I made to help her! She really wants to wind me up now!!!!!! Do I still need to mist the tank shes in? SHE IS SO SLOW! She just sits there on the branch . Should I dig her a new starter hole? Thanks x
No don't mist her, just leave her be from lights on to lights out. She may not have been happy with your hole :D she will probably want to dig a deep long tunnel, sleep in said tunnel, tunnel some more so you can't see her and freak out, then spend a while laying and covering!

P>S> if you saw her covering the hole then you were peeking, naughty!
Maybe! It's so tempting though! I will leave her until Friday on a strict no-peeking policy :D I will re-post on here when I hear noises. I will also post again on Friday - fingers crossed she layed some pearly white eggs! She eat some orange today and foam came out her mouth! All cleared up now though. I'm so happy - she finally ate! Will age be okay without food until Friday? I don't want to leave her. But I will! And I will miss her! FINGERS CROSSED!
She will be absolutely fine without food. I would suggest a peek first thing in he morning and last thing at night(make a peephole or something so she can't see you) just so you can see she's ok.

Orange has a lot of citrus acid so it's not really good for chameleons. I don't know if that has anything to do with the foaming but I wouldn't offer it to her again.
okay, I will steer clear of oranges! I just checked her (lights just went on) and she isn't on the twig where she usually goes! she's on the floor, with her head up against the window, hands in the sand. Is she thinking about it? I just bought my incubator - so happy with it. Do you think the eggs will be infertile? :( how soon after the laying can I re-mate her? (ive heard its 20 days but that seems too soon!) thanks again :)
This is my last attempt to help you understand that you should not even be thinking of breeding. You need to learn to take care of your chams first. My examples:

You have 3, yes 3, help threads going at once.

The age of your female has changed a number of times, she is either 8 or 9 months old

Your male has also changed ages from 4 months to 8 months.

After filling out the help form, you retract what ever you are called on and say it isn't what you were trying to say.

When anyone, like me, will try to explain something you blow it off and tell me you know what you are doing. Clearly that is not the case.

I am guessing you are a young person with your first chams. You don't have to listen to any of us, but unless you start listening, and following some of the advice given here, I will expect to see a post soon where you have killed your chams. All we want is to help your chams, why won't you let us?
I'm sorry, I'm new to this! I did research (pages and pages of it!) but there is some bits I didn't find out, for example, that you cannot breed her when she has eggs. But I did not know she actually had eggs at that point! If you have any advice, I will happily accept it. sorry again
You can breed a chameleon when she is producing eggs if she is receptive to it. You need to be able to tell if she is receptive.
She has to be willing to accept the male. She will show this by her reaction to him when she can see him. If you hold the female outside the males cage and she darkens the background color, sways back and forth, hisses, gapes, lunges at the male the she is NOT receptive.
yeah she deffinatly accepted him and he went all bright and spotty and puffy! she has been in the laying tank 5 days...should I put her in a different one with more room, more sand and opaque sides? :) x
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