Shes started hissing at me !


New Member
My Veiled Chameleon has started hissing at me when i get too near to her.
This is odd because she usually likes me picking her up and comes to the glass and tries to come out when i am there.
Does anybody have an idea of why she has started hissing at me ??
Get used to it. When they hit a certain age they will act like this depending on their temper. Mine has always did it to me.
I know, I know!

Because she's a chameleon! ;)

Sorry I can't help it, I've seen a lot of these threads lately. It is very unlikely that your chameleon will 'befriend' you. Possibly as an immature juvi they'll tolerate your presence more. But at a certain stage of life, their territorial instinct kicks in, and it's all about defending turf and warding off threats.

Don't be surprised if she settles down in a year or so. Don't be surprised if she only ever gets meaner with age. :)

Good luck and watch your fingers! snap!
watch your fingers.... oh very reassuring! lol

mine has just started doing this too. i have a male veiled and he is 4 months old. he sounds a bit like an eagle/landing jet plane! haha. he has done it the last 3 times ive got him out. still eager to come out but i think its more eager to savage me now!
I have a male veiled (4-5 months old) and he has been very aggressive lately too. Bites, hisses, runs away. When my wife takes him out, he tries to attack her. He actually runs at her hissing and snapping. It's getting pretty bad. We have cut back on handling him to 3-4 times a week instead of every day and also have tried hand feeding him worms. He doesn't seem to want them though. I hope he calms down when he gets older.:(
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