Shipping crickets


New Member
So luckily, we have a bait shop close by. but I looked around online and it's ALOT cheaper to order online! but... how do the crickets arrived shipped? They showed the box. Are they loose in there, and when you open it up, do they all hop everywhere? or is there some extra layers to keep them controlled? I know that's probably a really dumb question, but apparently, my boyfriend is squeamish about touching crickets. I don't LIKE to, but I will if I have to. I just don't want to be surprised if I order crickets online and open the box indoors.
Usually cricket are shipped loosed in a box....the best way to unwrap them is to place a giant plastic tub and open the box in it... and then turn it upside down and dump them in there!
I would suggest never opening a cricket box indoors. You empty into your tub or bin and sometimes the egg crate doesn't drop in all the way, or it's a little too big and then they start jumping...


I guess I can say that because I'm in the pacific northwest. The crickets won't last the night up here. If you're in a warmer state, empty them into a bin that you know you have enough room for, that you can literally open the box in the bin, turn it over in the bin, and shake it out in the bin. That's the best way. My 20 gallon tank wasn't big enough for the turning and shaking part.

I just got my dubia colony in the mail last night. Good riddins, crickets!
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