Sick chameleon?!

Well my little jackson passed away last night...I found him dead this morning. I dont know if im going to try with chameleons again, im not sure.
Its okay, i would like to try again with chams, but i jut dont know if i should. Is there another cham i should try instead of a jackson?
A male veiled would be more forgiving of mistakes, but their care is substantially different from what you've been learning with the Jackson's.

If you feel that you learned a lot with this experience, you might want something similar so you don't have to relearn for the new animal. You might try a female Jackson's. They aren't as showy as the males, but are absolutely lovely animals. Fischer's require care similar to Jacksons. Get a male though because they are an egg bearing species and you don't want any added degree of difficulty with this one.
Here are my two...

Captain Crook

and Mister Spike

The horns! The tail!!! What's not to love? Those tails are just amazing...they are much longer than the body and have a little "nail" on the end to help with grabbing onto things.
I find my Fichers (multis) pretty easy, make sure you get ch or cb. You will not need as large of a cage 18x18x36 would be great, plant it well to keep up humidity and a basking spot in the low 80's.

For a Veiled-male-you will eventually need a cage at least 24X24X48, still a well planted cage, and higher basking temps-low 90's for an adult.
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Maybe "nail" is the wrong word for it...but the end is stiff and doesn't curl.

I think that with Multi's having those crazy long tails even as babies there is a higher propensity for siblings to take a bit our of their tails-my Mr. Snips only has half of his! My female has a bit our of the end of hers, and I think Fisher only has his because he was sent to me the day after he hatched and raised solo. :p
Okay, so whats the basic care for a fisher then? And whats the basic care for a veild? What is different about them?

They are quite different. A fischeri is a montane species like the jackson's and will need higher humidity, lower temps, more careful supplementation as they tend to be more sensitive to vitamin balance. If you had to work harder to keep your jax comfortable (lower nighttime temps, higher humidity) then a fischeri might not be the best choice. Veileds are definitely more forgiving.

My second post down the page explains how I keep my fischer species and other montanes. I think one of the reasons fischers are harder, as with many other species of chams, is because most are only available as WCs and rarely as captive hatched or bred. I personally do not find keeping humidity high and temps low for them to be hard. If you are interested in keeping any fischer type species shoot me a PM with your email and I can send you a PDF on Kinyongia tavetana and multituberculata (dwarf fischer and standard fischer). They really are awesome species to look for. You will find more captive bred specimen from veileds and panthers but you can find some other species as captive bred here and there. I just hatched some K. tavetana not too long ago and will have a few individual males to find good homes for in around 2 more months once they get a decent size. They grow soooo slooowwwww!

Also I didint see anyone ask how your set up was running. Fill this form out and we can help you get everything fine tuned if need be.
Hello all, i have a Jackson Chameleon and i dont think he is look well. I was wondering if maybe you guys could tell me whats going on. A little while ago i noticed that he got a big sore on his left cheak. I took him to the vet and they drained it and it was starting to look better. Then after i got home from school i noticed that his left eye was very swollen, and wont eve open. His eye was perfectly fine last night though. If you guys could help i would be very greatful, im worried the poor little guy isnt going to make it :(
Thanks, Chris
How did the vet drain it?
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