New Member
I have a 12mth old male panther Nosybe who just became very sick, flailing about and falling. have isolated to smaller mesh enclosure with towel on bottom, pothos, fake pothos, spraying water/dripping on leaves. Ate up until 6/22. Never before any issues. My regular herp vet is out for a week for a funeral. Backup has started Baytril orals yesterday. Inlaws transported but did not take a stool sample (doing that today). Breeder suggested possible liquid cal supplement. Have been dusting with Calcium D3 at least weekly, multi weekly. Gut loading with Vitabites and squencher, potato, crickets from LLL fedexed bi-weekly to South Carolina. Husbandry is excellent - UVB is 18in Zoomed 5.0 2 weeks new, reptisun 100watt basking w/temp @ 95degrees. Scheffelera plant in cage, new replacement 2weeks prior. Perhaps there was some pesticide on the plant I bought @ Home Depot?? Very confused and worried. Any help is greatly appreciated.