It might just be my experience, but all of the big brands who make reptile accessories seem to have horrible products. They are all poorly made and extremely overpriced. I have purchased multiple items that either do not work or break right out of the box. I've had a light bulb explode, a ceramic heater just crumble to pieces, thermometers that don't work right out of the box, lamps that just die, and so many other equipment failures. And there are so many posts about similar equipment disappointments. I know reptile owners are not the largest consumer category, but, that doesn't meant quality is impossible. And on top of all this, attempting to contact these companies to hold them accountable to their "warranties" is next to impossible! I'm not saying there is anything we can really do about. We often don't have a choice but to buy their overpriced junk. But I thought some other members might enjoy venting some of their frustration with me.