Signs of Parasites??? And/Or how to treat?


New Member
I'm determined to know if your chameleon has parasites how to pen point the problem? How would you actually know, are there ways to see it on the outside? Would the chameleon act differently? I know droppings would smell if so but I'm lacking info in this category. If there is a treatment what is it? What is panacure?:confused:
I think the parasite culprit you're thinking of is Coccidia, but it could be a few others.

Major signs of parasites are sleeping during the day, not moving at all throughout the day, darker in color, smelly fecal, NOT eating, losing weight, not drinking, weak grip, falling, etc. Atleast through MY experience with coccidia/pinworms these were the symtoms I noticed my cham going though. If you see your cham has 2-3 of these symtoms it's best to get a fecal test done asap to know exactly whats wrong with your guy. It could be pinworms or other parasites. But coccidia is pretty much the most dangerous one / life threatening.

Cures would be getting whatever meds your vet prescribes your cham and sticking to it. Sometimes you'll have to make a hospital cage so your cham won't hurt himself by falling, and cleaning up would be a lot easier.

again, It really just depends on what your cham has. You can get parasites by all kinds of ways. Bearded dragons are the culprits of coccidia, anoles aswell if your cham consumed them.

You can get your crickets from a pet shop, the pet shop could have an effected beardie/chameleon then a loose house gecko or anole could eat a cricket thats been eating on the effected fecal, then when the anole/gecko poops ontop of the cage where the crickets are, they all gut load themselves with the parasite, or a worker throws the loose cricket back in the cricket container.

It's detrimental if you really think about it, but it happens.

Your best bet to really find out what is wrong is by getting a fecal sample. But before you do that, i'd recommend filling out the because it could be no signs of parasites and just your husbandry could be off.

Just copy / paste your answers here.

I'm determined to know if your chameleon has parasites how to pen point the problem? How would you actually know, are there ways to see it on the outside? Would the chameleon act differently? I know droppings would smell if so but I'm lacking info in this category. If there is a treatment what is it? What is panacure?:confused:

There are a lot of different types of parasites a cham can carry as they pick them up from their insects and the environment. And, I doubt you'll ever find a cham with absolutely none at don't need to eradicate every one. A healthy cham can handle a low level.

The two very basic types are intestinal and circulatory microfilaria (blood borne). Vets, correct me if I'm wrong here.

To test for intestinal parasites, take a fresh fecal sample to a vet and ask them to analyze it. Any competent vet can do this...not just a herp expert. Depending on what types of parasites they find, they can give you the correct treatment. Not all parasites are sensitive to the same drugs.

To test for blood borne parasites a vet would need to draw blood and examine it. And again, the treatment is going to be specific to the type. You probably won't see this type in healthy cbb animals. WC chams such as melleri can definitely have them.
That's really helpful but none of this has happen to my chams thank God. I was just seeking knowledge in every area of the chameleon. I was curious as to knowing what would or could happen while caring for chams. Parasites just happen to be my question lol:DI wanna know everything. Thanks so much for the links and keep the knowledge coming.
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