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Hi i have a 4 to 5 month old female veiled chameleon i was just wondering how big should she be at this point because i feel she is smaller than she is supposed to be.
Hi i have a 4 to 5 month old female veiled chameleon i was just wondering how big should she be at this point because i feel she is smaller than she is supposed to be.

Well my male veiled is about 7 months old and from nose to tail base he is about 4-5 inches long. so I would guess a female would be a bit smaller. how big is ur girl?
She is about 3 31/2 inches

Can you post a pic of her on your hand, or something we can use to compare her size to? but her size doesnt seem to bad. She may be a bit smaller, but she could just be a late bloomer. they do grow at different rates.
sorry i cant get a pic of her on my hand she is pissed right now and hates my hand plus the camera i just discovered here is a pic from a week ago on her ficus


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Does she shed at all? Is she eating and drinking normally? Pooing on a regular basis? If yes to all then I would not worry. Some are just smaller than others and some grow at a faster rate.
i have a normal question i bought this liquid calcium stuff because they diddnt have powder is it fine to use
At 3.5 inches she seems a bit on the small size for a 4-5 month female veiled IME, but not terribly so. How much does she eat? Which supplements, if any, are you using? What sorts of temperatures does she have access to (basking and ambient)? Does she have a UV light, and what sort?

i thought so too she has been eating 7-10 crickets most every day i have that calcium stuff i put on at least once a week i also switch multi vidamins with d3 every i switch at the near the top of her screen cage its around 85 and at the bottom around 75 or 74 she has a zoo med 5.0 repti sun
It's pretty damn hard to guess the age of a chameleon. They all grow at different rates, some reach 5" at around 6 months, some have growth spurts at 5 months, some may not even reach large sizes until 7-8 months etc.

The best guess with the photo provided is 4 months from me.
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