Skin Necrosis?


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Skin Necrosis? - New Photos

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Glass, I recently changed to it after using a mesh enclosure.
Lighting - I don't know the brand or model. I know it produces UVA & B rays. Around 9am-7pm her light is on. It is about 6" from the top of the cage.
Temperature - Cage Temp: 73-75º Basking is around 80º night temperature drops to around 67º. I measure with a glass thermometer.
Humidity - Unknown at the moment.
Plants - Fake leaves, one set. 2 artificial vines.
Location - Bedroom, low traffic. The only time there are people in there is when I'm taking care of her or going to sleep/waking up.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Jackson's Chameleon. Age is unknown. Length: 7" About 4 months in my care.
Handling - Recently I've needed to hydrate her myself due to the lack of drinking.
Feeding - I was feeding her crickets that would be covered in Herp Dust and fed apples. She stopped eating and they were dropping dead randomly. Connection?
Supplements - HerpCare Cricket Dust, once weekly.
Watering - I have a waterfall in her enclosure and I mist her as well. I used to mist her about 4 times a day (when she was drinking). Now I am misting her about every 30 minutes due to dehydration and shedding.
Fecal Description - She defecated yesterday morning. At first is was liquidy, kinda cloudy. Then it became more solid (but still mushy) white and yellow, then brownish. She has never seen a vet before.
History - When she was in the pet shop, she was housed with two other chameleons of the same species. One male, one female. If any other before that were, I do not know.
Current Problem - Stop eating, stopped drinking for awhile, now she's drinking a little again. She has this strange black mark on her right side, just in front of her back leg. She has also developed bumps on either side of the base of her tail/spine, right above her back legs. When I first got her she had a black spot on her inner toe (closer to her belly) on her back left leg, the toe then got swollen and the claw fell out and got infected. I proceeded to clean it out everyday until it was fully healed. Then one on her left front fell out. Then on her right front. She used to fall all the way from the top of her enclosure to the bottom and kinda look around in one of those aw crap ways. Before I changed her enclosure and she was getting sicker, she fell from the top and just laid there. I honestly thought she was dead. So I changed her enclosures to make sure she didn't fall anymore. The previous enclosure was a ExoTerra mesh housing. One you can fold down when not in use.

Attached are pictures I took just last night. As you can see, she just laid there, not even caring. She used to be VERY active. At times I will see her just hanging off the vine. Kinda how you would expect to she a dog or cat laying on the edge of something with their feet hanging off.


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you said you changed from screen to glass. she/he may not be able to adapt to maybe a smaller cage? closer light, or it may be a fungal infection with the heat/ humidity staying high, but it could be a lot of things.
That really doesn't look good and the cham looks particularly bad! I'd get it to the vets ASAP! You seen any poo lately?
Those black marks and bumps remind me of that other rapid skin necrosis issue with another member's two chameleons. When did you notice this, Kitty?

When I first got her she had a black spot on her inner toe (closer to her belly) on her back left leg, the toe then got swollen and the claw fell out and got infected. I proceeded to clean it out everyday until it was fully healed. Then one on her left front fell out. Then on her right front. She used to fall all the way from the top of her enclosure to the bottom and kinda look around in one of those aw crap ways. Before I changed her enclosure and she was getting sicker, she fell from the top and just laid there. I honestly thought she was dead. So I changed her enclosures to make sure she didn't fall anymore. The previous enclosure was a ExoTerra mesh housing. One you can fold down when not in use.

it sounds like she came to you sick. Vet visit. now. It doesn't look like your cham can wait much longer.
That really doesn't look good and the cham looks particularly bad! I'd get it to the vets ASAP! You seen any poo lately?

"Fecal Description - She defecated yesterday morning. At first is was liquidy, kinda cloudy. Then it became more solid (but still mushy) white and yellow, then brownish. She has never seen a vet before."

That's about it. That was after I got her to drink the day before that a lot.

Her condition is a rollercoaster. Throughout the day, everyday.

Here is a picture of what she used to look like when I first got her.

It doesn't seem as if I mentioned both her eye turrets buldging either. I added a picture of her eyes (they don't seem to do this anymore) and then the infection that came out of her foot before it healed over.


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A picture I just took of her. She is up and moving around and not near as wobbly and unsteady as she has been.


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Can you take her to a vet? She really needs one. Her color is way off, like seriously ill. But she has some weight on her and isn't emaciated as far as the photo shows. I am going to guess that she has a parasitic infection and needs to be treated. Her hydration should be increased if it isn't already fairly often.

For me, this would be cause for me to go into panic mode. Without a vet or a knowledgable person to help you with diagnosis and treatment, she won't recover. These things don't resolve themselves.

I just scanned the thread because I am really busy today but I apologize if I overlooked anything obvious in the thread.

Get to a vet while you have a chance to save her.

I am working on a chameleon that was pretty lethargic and very pale in color. The vet gave him sub. cut. fluids and I was to give him injections for two more days then switch over to giving him fluids orally. Then today I finally got a fecal sample to test. It was an odd color and very runny. I looked at it under the microscope and it was FULL OF PARASITES! Nematodes and ova. So he was treated accordingly.

I hope this helps.

EDIT: Recent picture looks good. But the others indicate there is a problem.

"Fecal Description - She defecated yesterday morning. At first is was liquidy, kinda cloudy. Then it became more solid (but still mushy) white and yellow, then brownish. She has never seen a vet before."

That's about it. That was after I got her to drink the day before that a lot.

Her condition is a rollercoaster. Throughout the day, everyday.

Here is a picture of what she used to look like when I first got her.

It doesn't seem as if I mentioned both her eye turrets buldging either. I added a picture of her eyes (they don't seem to do this anymore) and then the infection that came out of her foot before it healed over.
Can you take her to a vet? She really needs one. Her color is way off, like seriously ill. But she has some weight on her and isn't emaciated as far as the photo shows. I am going to guess that she has a parasitic infection and needs to be treated. Her hydration should be increased if it isn't already fairly often.

For me, this would be cause for me to go into panic mode. Without a vet or a knowledgable person to help you with diagnosis and treatment, she won't recover. These things don't resolve themselves.

I just scanned the thread because I am really busy today but I apologize if I overlooked anything obvious in the thread.

Get to a vet while you have a chance to save her.

I am working on a chameleon that was pretty lethargic and very pale in color. The vet gave him sub. cut. fluids and I was to give him injections for two more days then switch over to giving him fluids orally. Then today I finally got a fecal sample to test. It was an odd color and very runny. I looked at it under the microscope and it was FULL OF PARASITES? Nematodes and ova. So he was treated accordingly.

I hope this helps.

I wish I could, the closest one is 1 hour and 30 minutes away. She is TOTALLY worth...but unfortunately I don't have the money for it quite yet. If you don't mind me asking [of course if you have the time] How much does/did the vet visit cost (total)?

Thank you.
I wish I could, the closest one is 1 hour and 30 minutes away. She is TOTALLY worth...but unfortunately I don't have the money for it quite yet. If you don't mind me asking [of course if you have the time] How much does/did the vet visit cost (total)?

Thank you.

Where are you? I'm in California. The exotic exam fees are around $55 to $65 here. Fecal tests can run about $40 or $50 for a fecal smear and to have both smear and float, it could cost $65 to $75.

Call your vet first and see how much they would charge.
Where are you? I'm in California. The exotic exam fees are around $55 to $65 here. Fecal tests can run about $40 or $50 for a fecal smear and to have both smear and float, it could cost $65 to $75.

Call your vet first and see how much they would charge.

Unfortunately, I probably live in one of the smallest cities in Mississippi at the moment. In mid-May I'm moving back to Houston, Texas. There is a vet I was referred to by the pet shop owner and assistant owner. The weather here is nothing for a Chameleon compared to Texas. And there is a giant lizard cage there that I have that would be perfect for her if she makes it. Thank you so much for your time. I REALLY appreciate it. It means a lot to me the help people offer me.

Thanks again,

P.S. - Your site is wonderful!
for my vet visit today, was 122.29 total. well worth it, and it was about 6 mile drive.
I took Ester to the Vet it was $45 for the initial exam the $15 for his liquid calcium stuff and $20 for the fecal test the total was $83.00 with tax
for my vet visit today, was 122.29 total. well worth it, and it was about 6 mile drive.

Thank you so much for your reply. When I get the money I should have plenty. I was just hoping it wasn't going to be an out of this world around $300-500 thing.

Thank you to everyone who has replied and who may reply. It's greatly appreciated!
300-400 i would expect if exrays, tons of medicine, super rediculous condition and what not.

or even surgery.
For just a vet visit my chameleon vet charges any where from $45 to $85 depending on if he gives meds or not.
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