Skin Necrosis?

I don't know who gave me this reputation:

"Perhaps you shouldnt own an exotic pet if you live in the boonies and arent willing to drive it out for the proper care. I hope you can drum up some funds and compassion for it, which you should have been prepared for in the first place."

But, it was a gift for one, not that I didn't want it. I have FULL compassion for animals, I have had many pets in my life that I have dished out thousands for on vet visits, care and even surgery [and still have them die]. One of them being my cat who had cancer. I've also rehabilitated animals back into the wild (squirrels and raccoons). So don't judge me, before you get to know me.

ALSO, because I've noticed that you actually didn't take the time to read my thread as well, I DID say I was willing to drive AND pay for her, "I wish I could, the closest one is 1 hour and 30 minutes away. She is TOTALLY worth...but unfortunately I don't have the money for it quite yet." I also stated that I am moving back to Texas soon and hopes she survives long enough even after vet care to be able to take care of her better.

I'm not trying to be rude, but it REALLY bugs me when people judge a book by it's cover so to speak.


If I didn't care, if I didn't have compassion. Why would I be here? Why would I have contacted DVMs all over the U.S. about this animal?
some people here think that you should be rich, and if your not you should suffer to not have a pet *rolls eyes*. Its mainly a American thing too. never have i seen a UK person go off like that, but i can tell your doing what you can. wish i could help, but i cant. wish you luck!
some people here think that you should be rich, and if your not you should suffer to not have a pet *rolls eyes*. Its mainly a American thing too. never have i seen a UK person go off like that, but i can tell your doing what you can. wish i could help, but i cant. wish you luck!

I appreciate your wishes and comment. I have read many an article stating this of Americans. Even as an American myself, observing others, I have met some rude ones out there. LOL! I've contemplated many a time moving overseas to Europe, but my dear Chameleon may not like that. :p
Whoever sent you that message Kitty, needs to be smacked upside the head.. It was rude and uncalled for. Most of the people here you will find are understanding and down to earth. Some, are holier than thou and think their poo doesn't stink. Unfortunately one of those messaged you. they don't understand thatsometimes life hands us a bad turn and we can't afford to do the things we need to do.

Not everyone is born with a silver spoon up their arse :)

I hope your Jacksons pulls through. She looks to be a beauty.
I already have an idea about who sent you that message. Anyway, ignore them. What's most important is your cham. I too bought a chameleon without proper education, and I've had to spend over one hundred dollars of money I don't really have to get him a clean bill of health. How long hasn't she been eating? If she doesn't eat, several months will surely kill her. I know this isn't a generally 'good' practice, but would force feeding until she is able to make it to the vet a logical method, senior members? Would this at least give her a chance at living that long? Hunger strikes past a month seem to be fatal to other member's threads I've read here.
A week/little over a week she hasn't been eating. I noticed when she hadn't eaten the crickets I put in there. Fresh, juicy ones that she normally loves. So I knew something was up. Her condition was a rollercoaster, today she seems to have improved some. She used to enjoy climbing on my face/on my glasses unto the top of my head or climb on my hair (which is down to my butt). Now she just wants to sit there and be a bump on a log. But I love her nonetheless, and of course am extremely worried about her.

I appreciate everyone who has commented with their blessings and encouragement.

I actually did try to get her to eat a cricket by opening her mouth and placing it in there. She was so weak yesterday, all I had to do was gently grab the under part of her mouth and she would open. She just closed her mouth on top of him and closed her eyes and just laid there. So I opened her mouth and took him out. There may have been something wrong with the crickets, they started dropping dead left and right. So I'm going to see if I have enough money to pick up a couple fresh food sources tomorrow to see if she will eat those.
You posted a picture of "the infection that came out of her foot before it healed over" did the infection come out of her foot? This might be the problem...if it was infected and she wasn't put on an antibiotic the infection could have spread?
Not chewing either, huh? Kitty this sounds pretty serious. You absolutely -don't- have the funds to take her to the vet?

A week isn't too much for a chameleon, so it seems like starvation isn't what's hurting her. I can't tell you what it is, only a vet could for sure.
You posted a picture of "the infection that came out of her foot before it healed over" did the infection come out of her foot? This might be the problem...if it was infected and she wasn't put on an antibiotic the infection could have spread?

Well, I kept getting infection out of the toe for a couple days while cleaning it. I continued cleaning it even after no more infection was coming out of it. It healed up nicely and it's been fine ever since. The spreading may be true, but she was fine after it healed, so I'm not sure.

I've had her looked at several times by the store owner who told me why the foot may have done that and what to do to help it. As well as the co-owner.

So, she hasn't really gone completely without seeing others about her conditions. I would have given her back if I knew there was a way I couldn't be able to see anyone if she got sick.
Not chewing either, huh? Kitty this sounds pretty serious. You absolutely -don't- have the funds to take her to the vet?

A week isn't too much for a chameleon, so it seems like starvation isn't what's hurting her. I can't tell you what it is, only a vet could for sure.

Nope, no chewing. I have I think $10, and a quarter of a tank of gas to go 1.5hrs to vet. :(

I appreciate all your help!

Off to bed now and off to the pet store in the morning to get some different feeders.

Thanks again all!
Pet store owners are notorious for not giving the chameleons proper husbandry. I bought my chameleon without knowing he had a severe vit deficiency... They didn't even have a UVB light in his tiny GLASS cage (with nothing to climb on).

I really hope your little girl pulls through. I've heard how sensitive jackson's are.
New Pictures of Her

New pictures that I've taken on her today.

I got her some crickets and some superworms today. She's never had superworms so we'll see if she likes those. I put them in a tall plastic cup in the middle of her cage under a vine. She's looked down at them looking interested, but she hasn't eaten any so far. She drank A LOT when we got home, I don't know if she drank anything while we were gone.

The last picture, is the spot on her body that I first posted that was black.

We let one of the store owners know of her condition in case something may happen to their others. They all look perfectly healthy, so I'm not too awfully worried about them.

12:38Pm: So far she still hasn't eaten any. Everytime I go in there she's just sitting there with her eyes closed. Are there any other ways I can try to feed her that she may eat?

2PM: Still nothing. Now she doesn't even want to do anything. She just drops her nose on whatever she's sitting.


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Try sticking a superworm in her mouth. She might chew it now. Also, I know some vets have told owners to use "ensure" to get some nutrients into their chams with a little syringe.
Try sticking a superworm in her mouth. She might chew it now. Also, I know some vets have told owners to use "ensure" to get some nutrients into their chams with a little syringe.

Actually I did try that a little after my last post. She closed her mouth on top of it and then left it there for a minute. When she came to and reached her arm out and around the front of her face and grabbed it out of her mouth and held it in her grasp. It was cute, but of course completely disappointing. I was told pedialyte or ensure may help. I had to water her a few days ago with a syringe. I still don't know if it actually did anything. When I was administering it, she didn't look to be swallowing at all. She started acting again the same way she was the other day when I thought she was dead, and she's that pale color again. I just hope I can get to the vet again soon.

I did also since my last post, clean out her mesh cage thoroughly and set her back up into it. At that point, she had some greenish/brownish color back to her. Through the whole thing she may have opened her eyes once.

The type of cage I switched her back to is the Exo Terra Explorarium. I believe the light fixture in which is being used is the Solar Glo bulb. The waterfall that I have in her cage is the Exo Terra Waterfall - Small The fake leaves I use are a silk ficus by Exo Terra as well. The vines are a jungle vine by Exo Terra and a Fluker's Bend a Branch vine.
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Try the ensure idea instead then. When I force fed Fred during his vit deficiency he wouldn't keep it in his mouth. Instead, I held the worm with tweezers and kept it in front of his face, and let him chew on it for a bit until it was almost completely in his mouth. then i'd let it go and he'd finish the rest. Oh, also make sure you aren't shoving it in head first. The super can bite inside of its mouth. Start with the tail.
Try the ensure idea instead then. When I force fed Fred during his vit deficiency he wouldn't keep it in his mouth. Instead, I held the worm with tweezers and kept it in front of his face, and let him chew on it for a bit until it was almost completely in his mouth. then i'd let it go and he'd finish the rest. Oh, also make sure you aren't shoving it in head first. The super can bite inside of its mouth. Start with the tail.

Okay, I'll try that. I almost got her to eat out of my hand once (when she was well), but now that she's sick that's probably out of the question. So I will also try the tweezers idea. Tail first, got it. I'd have to imagine that would hurt. Thank you!
I opened her mouth and tried tail first and she actually chewed on it! She didn't eat the whole thing. The superworm actually startled me when I was holding her by grabbing onto the end of my finger, so when I pulled back the whole worm came out of her mouth! So when she opened again I put it inside and she bit him in half. I had to kinda assist her in swallowing him, and gave her a little water to help get him down. I watched her breathing to make sure she wasn't choking. She got more alert at a point, looking at me as if, "More? Please?" I offered her more and she didn't want it and started to fall asleep on my hand again. So I put her back in her cage and misted her.

Here are some pictures of her cage and her eating just now.


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Well that was kind of a success. Keep doing that every couple hours in case she'll chew for you again. Did you dust that worm before you have it to her? Also, really consider the ensure idea. Just get a little syringe and buy a can of ensure and give her a little bit once or twice a day. it should keep her hydrated and get some nutrients into her.
Well that was kind of a success. Keep doing that every couple hours in case she'll chew for you again. Did you dust that worm before you have it to her? Also, really consider the ensure idea. Just get a little syringe and buy a can of ensure and give her a little bit once or twice a day. it should keep her hydrated and get some nutrients into her.

The only reason I didn't put dust on it this time is because last time I did it she seemed deterred. I always put the dust on it before [she didn't seem to mind] and that time she didn't like it. So the next few I try and will definitely put dust on them to see if she will take it. When I'm able to get some ensure I will definitely try that. Should I try carrots, lettuce or anything else of the sort? I know broccoli and tomatoes are bad for them.

She's shedding at the moment, maybe that's another reason for her loss of appetite? She's done it before.
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