Skittles loves being outdoors...

Every time I open up the forums and see the name Skittles, I immediately click the thread to see what the little booger is up to. In all honesty, I like panthers, but they are not my favorites. I love montane species and especially the Trioceros genus. So, I find it odd that I'm slightly infatuated with Skittles! Don't get me wrong, they are awesome animals because of their colors, they just aren't my first pic. But I must admit it would be hard to pass Skittles up.

You're doing a fantastic job with him. I have loved watching him grow! Well done!
Skittles has turned into a very handsome little man! I'm glad that he gets to enjoy some outside time. My guys love to go outside too. I'm getting ready to take them out now.
Thank you all for the kind words... They mean a lot coming from elders of the community like yourselves - Greatly appreciated! (y)

From a pride of ownership perspective, it's incredibly gratifying to see Skittles (aka "Skedattle") thriving. ;)
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