small vs medium crickets...


New Member
Butter, my veiled boy is now about 4 months old. The small crix seem so little for him, and he was eating like 15 a day......but the mediums look so big. He doesn't like to eat when anyone is nearby, so I rarely get to see him hunt and eat. He also gets a few wax wormies a week, and eats those when I'm not looking too.

I bought medium crix yesterday to try out and put four or five in his enclousure this morning. I don't see any now, but the cage is thick with plants. I shook the plants a bit, and didn't see any fall....

Am I just being a paranoid chameleon mommy ?

When did you switch from smalls to mediums ?
Can't get shipments of crix until weather turns cooler. It is over 100 and no one to take shipment into the house....
lol. couldn't happen here. I work for the government. I can only imagine the protocol that would ensue with the delivery of insects. News at 11....
Hehe, when I worked for the government (Canada Tax Revenues) I actually had someone drop of a mealworm colony to me. Sat on my desk for 5 hours. I to;d someone it was my lunch. :)
Ah yeah. Post 9/11.....The only thing we can receive that is non gov't is personal delivery of flowers. Not even balloons. they set off the alarms !!!
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