Snack Time

Great video, if you want life easier on over cham offer only one or 2 worms at a time so he can focus, and his tongue may not stick as well when the worms are wet. I know about the focusing part, the tongue not sticking is a guess.

Your some must be thrilled, how cool to share that with him. Kudos
whats wrong with feeding them meal worms?

Nobody said there was anything wrong with it :), but camimom is right, and so mealworms shouldn't really be fed as more than one meal per week (or a couple per day). They are also higher in fat than crickets (or any other good staple food).
Nice video, how old is he? Is he your first Chameleon?
Mealworms are not high in nutrients, and have a hard exo skeleton that when consumed enough can cause an impaction in the chameleon.

Crickets can cause impaction as well...i agree it is not good to feed them too many mealworms but it is ok from time to time....the only thing you need to watch out for is:

Impaction (could happen with any feeder)
Not well-gutloaded (make sure that the mealworms are well gutloaded before feeding..

It is true though that you should wait till after or before misting to give them their food (especially worms) because the chameleons tongue might not stick very well. Other than that i dont really see any problems from your behalf....The vieled looks great and the video was awesome. Keep us posted. :D
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