So... I ate my cricket gutload today...


New Member
It makes an awesome salad!!! Thanks Sandra!

I think I could probably put the greens & the fruits into a blender and make a badass smoothie.

Anyone else ever eat their gutload? :D
I've tasted it (dry gutload.) I was not too impressed. I ate it straight though. It might be better in a salad.
Errr... I meant that I ate the components of the gutload like kale, dandelion greens, mustard greens (whoa! awesome!), and collard greens...

I didn't eat the powder lol.
I make my own so I know what is in it. It's all really good for you and I only use organic things fit for human consumption.
my fiance brings home all sorts of veggies specifically for the beardie and crickets and such... i end up cooking/eating half lol
I do a lot of my own juicing, so my crickets get the pulp from the juice (I HATE pulp) and I get the juice. And I will juice anything that would juice, but my fav is carrot juice mixed with any acidic fruit (orange, lime, lemon, etc).
I think I have tried just about every food mix that I have used since I was a kid. Everything from seven or eight different iguana mixes, tortoise mixes, box turtle food, various GUTLOADS, different worm types, etc.

Kudos on the tasting!
I made gutload ice cubes for the first time recently. Before spooning the stuff into the cube trays I just had to give it a try! Not bad at all! Although I will say I'm not too fond on mustards greens quite yet :p
I put my DinoFuel in a smoothie for breakfast every morning. I figured that I should be eating as healthy as my chameleons. :) However, I must say DinoFuel by itself is plain disgusting, but for some reason insects love it.
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