So I just got a phone call.....

have you been home yet, gf's ( and i guess anyone ) can exagerate one time i was told there were crickets everywhere and it ended up my gf was talking about 3 yes three crickets, :)
but they were everywhere LOL
she is pretty good about it tho
Never. *shudder*
You dont know what your missing...;)
hahahaha she bolded the "never" i just ordered 20 for me to try to see if i can take them eeeekkk.

Good deal! They only ones that kinda freak me out are the huge ones. Most of mine stay at the nymph/young adult stages, and they look like rolly pollies.
They stay all huddled up like cattle too:p WAY less freaky than I imagined...
have you been home yet, gf's ( and i guess anyone ) can exagerate one time i was told there were crickets everywhere and it ended up my gf was talking about 3 yes three crickets, :)
but they were everywhere LOL
she is pretty good about it tho

I have not, I wont be home until 11PST. I need to be back on my way to work by 5AM... I wont have too much time to search for Tobia's dinner around my house :eek:
When I go to the Reptile Store this weekend, Ill MAYBE pick some up. So far ,these crickets are not doing it for me.

I hate crickets! I still feed them, but dubias are pretty much better all around. They will breed with no extra effort as well. If the gf doesnt like the sound of "roaches" just call them beetles;) They have less fat, and higher protien content as well.
I would have to agree with the 1 poster who said she is probably exagerating on the # of fugitives on the run....... Most chicks freak at the sight of 1 bug And they tell you it was as big as a Volkswagon Beetle.:D When my GF comes over I have to put my feeders in the cabinet. Although she loved my last cham Burt... He was a super friendly BB Ambilobi. He liked her too;)
:shock: :shock:

Wow! Sweet cage. I like everything about it. Did you do that light switch yourself? Wish I were more skilled in that area. The solid backing, instead of full screening, might help increase humidity. I was on a reptile breeder website the other day, and they were selling clean chameleon plants. I do not recall the url at the moment. When I get home from work, I will see if I can find it.

My cats love crickets! They are a toy and a snack, lol.
I remember leaving my side garage door ajar and when I can back that evening there was an opossum in my cricket bin thinking he was in an all you can eat diner!:)

One time I poured a ton of crickets in a cup to feed multiple cages. I put my crix bin back up on the high shelf where it stays warm. There was one way too big cricket in the cup so I grabbed him and jumped up to slam dunk him back in the bin. When I jumped all the other crix (like 50) went totally airborne. Fortunately a ton velcroed on to my shirt. I just danced a jig on the rest of them -- can't be bothered anymore.
I had this problem for a while. My leak was in the gaps between the cage door and the actual cage. When it was closed, there were still big enough gaps around the edges of door. So check there if the problem isn't solved!
I would have to agree with the 1 poster who said she is probably exagerating on the # of fugitives on the run....... Most chicks freak at the sight of 1 bug And they tell you it was as big as a Volkswagon Beetle.:D When my GF comes over I have to put my feeders in the cabinet. Although she loved my last cham Burt... He was a super friendly BB Ambilobi. He liked her too;)

Sexism...alive and well on the chameleon forums.
Humans generally can't relate easily to any quantity over 6. Over 6 is "lots" or "many".

So, yes, she is probably exaggerating because she's human.
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