Socrates and his F/R


New Member
Hey everyone I just wanted to share some pictures of Socrates and his free range setup. Enjoy!

Thanks For Looking!









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Sorry Guys. looks like the pictures don't wan to go through. Wondering if I'm doing anything wrong. can anyway explain how they attach theirs?
Thanks Lots!
I just use the "manage attachments" (scroll down)at the bottom of the page. You can also click on the little paper clip to the right of the white smiley face above(hit post reply first). You just browse your computer and attach from where ever you have your pictures stored.
Thanks! I've done that for my other pictures but have ran out of space for attachments on the forum and don't want to delete attachments from my ongoing posts to make space. is there any way I can upload from instagram or photobucket by using the insert image button on the tool bar?
I love the little ladder but I'm very impressed and mind blown. I should hire you to come to miami and work on mine :p
That is just beautiful! I can't believe you just busted that out so quickly! :) Great work! It's perfect for a chameleon because he just wants to be in the branches and it looks good too! I'm inspired and hope my final product looks that great.

Does he love it so far? It looks like it; did he explore?
That is just beautiful! I can't believe you just busted that out so quickly! :) Great work! It's perfect for a chameleon because he just wants to be in the branches and it looks good too! I'm inspired and hope my final product looks that great.

Does he love it so far? It looks like it; did he explore?

Thank you!!! He did exploring on the screen where he did some upside down climbing and also hung out on his ladder, but now hes curled up and sleeping in his bamboo hut.

I still have a lot more work ahead of me and am going to start expanding to the left side of the wall by next weekend. I will keep you updated on the build. Thank you!:p
Steve is doing good! Thank you for asking. He just had his last dose of medicine yesterday (he had a parasite). He had to have doses every day for seven days, which meant getting him to open his mouth and using a syringe to give him his medicine. He hated that and got all dark when I had to give it to him. But, no meds today and I think he was happy about that! ;)
Steve is doing good! Thank you for asking. He just had his last dose of medicine yesterday (he had a parasite). He had to have doses every day for seven days, which meant getting him to open his mouth and using a syringe to give him his medicine. He hated that and got all dark when I had to give it to him. But, no meds today and I think he was happy about that! ;)

Haha no1 likes taking meds. glad to hear he's doing well! I am Very interested to see what you end up doing with his free range and send me pictures of the process as soon as you start. =)
Thanks everyone. Just to let you know how Soc is doing since I rescued him
He is approximately 4 inches snout to vent and has gained a lot of weight since I am not to sure on his exact weight and I'll have to purchase a scale and let you guys know then. The end of his tail where he has lost part of has completely scarred over but am still not sure what caused him to lose it since he wasn't in my care. I'm guessing other chameleon or a shedding problem. If anyone can give me an estimate on his age since I have no idea that would be great!!

Over all he's a very happy chameleon now getting plenty of warmth, water, food, but not as much sunlight as I would like. It is way too cold to take him outside to do some sunbathing but as soon as it gets warmer he will be spending most of his time by the lake with me catching some natural rays!!

Also looking to get him a girlfriend when the time is right.!

Take care everyone and thanks again for looking!
Steve has lovely colours!
Hard to guess ages - they all grow at different rates and clearly Steve didnt have perfect care before. But I'd say he's near to an adult.

As pretty as the set-up is, you might consider adding a live plant.
Already on it! The right side of the wall I am planning to put a large pothos plant and umbrella plant, as well as placing a ficus tree outside of his are which I will give his access to via the wooden ladder only when I'm around. so he doesn't wander too far.

I was told he's about a year old by someone else on the forum but I guess no way to know for sure. Can you tell me how much he should weigh for his size?
Again thank you very much :)!!
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