Some updated pics of my pride & joy, Bo-daggit!


New Member
I havent posted any new pics of my 7 month old male veiled Bo-daggit for a while so here are a few older pics and a bunch I took today....

The day he arrived at about 2.5 months old...

gettin older....

and a few pics of him today...

And finally, one of him watching the UFC fights last saturday night...

Hope you enjoy the pics!:)
Try spraying a longer time with your hand spray if you do hand. If you got a system try longer periods of watering.

I spray his cage down with a spray bottle 2-3 times a day. I had a feeling someone would say something about that but i assure you his eyes normally are nice and full. He uaually gets pretty irritated when a camera gets anywhere near him so i assumed he was just sucking his eyes in on purpose. Regardless, he's probably gonna get a nice warm shower today since he's due for one.
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